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Chaires de recherche Orange


Research Chairs

Chair holder: Sihem Jouini, Associate Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management Department


This teaching and research chair is under the responsibility of Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, associate professor at HEC Paris.

The research will focus on the innovation management  in an international context. Indeed, Orange is experiencing significant growth in its international activities, particularly in Africa and the Middle East. Research will focus in particular on innovation management in emerging markets and the management of the relationship between resources located in historical and emerging markets. It will thus deal with the geographical distribution of research and development activities and the dissemination of innovations on a global scale. The international dimension will also be analysed through the study of the network of accelerators launched by Orange (OrangeFab) in 13 countries.
In this way, research will contribute to the challenges faced by multinationals in exploring and exploiting distributed resources and high-growth markets.

The Chair will involve students from the Innovation Design Project (in partnership with Ecole Polytechnique) who will conduct their research papers on these topics. 

It will also give Orange employees the opportunity to work with the chair professor to design electives for HEC students in order to introduce them to the company and benefit from their insights on topics such as Smartcity or connected TV, etc.

Learn more about Sihem Jouini