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Key Facts


European students


European professors


academic agreements with European institutions


European student clubs


Alumni chapters in Europe

Student Admissions

Europeans represent 31% of the international student body with German, Spanish, Italian and Belgian representing the highest number of non-French Europeans on campus.


Academic partners

44 academic partners from the following EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden; and from non-EU countries: Norway, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

HEC Paris has signed joint and/or double degree agreements with 24 European academic partners. 

Annually, this network of international academic partners supports the exchange of about 130 HEC Paris students from all its programs combined. About the same number of students from academic partners come to HEC Paris on exchange programs.


Academic partner highlights

  • HEC Paris runs the CEMS Master in Management, a joint degree organized with 19 academic members from the CEMS network out of the 24 HEC joint and/or double degree partners.
  • Bilateral double degree agreements with 5 partners: TUM (Technische Universität München), FU (Freie Universität Berlin), Università Bocconi (Milan), University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) and LSE (London School of Economic & Political Science)
  • Historical links with 2 academic partners in Central Europe: the Baltic Management Institute (BMI) in Lithuania and Warsaw University of Technology Business School.
  • HEC Paris & LSE (London School of Economic & Political Science): in addition to being a CEMS academic partner and enjoying a bilateral double degree agreement, LSE, together with HEC Paris and NYU (New York University) is a co-founding member of the TRIUM Global Executive MBA Program
  • HEC Paris & TUM (Technische Universität München) joined forces in 2017 for a new Master in Management & Innovation Program in which all students study for one year on the HEC Paris campus and in Munich during the second year. The program is aimed at young professionals with a first experience in the business world who would like to bridge the gap between technology and management.
  • HEC Paris & Università Bocconi (Milan): a historical partner, Università Bocconi joined HEC Paris to create the CEMS Global Alliance in Management Education in 1988. Bocconi is also a member of the PIM consortium, enjoys a bilateral agreement with HEC Paris and, with roughly 40 students every year, is one of the most active academic exchange partners. 

Executive Education Programs

HEC Paris has a proven track record in international executive education, including the following assets:

  • creating and delivering customized training solutions for a range of international company clients with headquarters in a non-French European country. Our European customer references include Bertelsmann, Porsche, Puma Energy, Santander, Unicredit, and Volkswagen.
  • delocalizing custom and open-degree programs to other European locations (Berlin, London, Madrid, Milan)

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HEC Representative Offices

The HEC Paris UK Office was inaugurated in 2014 to develop corporate relations and Alumni services locally. In March 2023, the HEC UK House opened in Central London.


HEC Alumni Chapters

26 HEC Chapters, representing about 10,000 Alumni in Europe, are located in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain (Barcelona & Madrid), Sweden, Switzerland (Lausanne & Zurich), Turkey, Ukraine, the United Kingdom.