Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini is an associate professor of innovation in the ISOM department (Information Systems and Operations Management) and researcher at GREGHEC since January 2006. She teaches project management, new product development processes and management of innovation in Executive Education, Exec MBA, MBA and Masters. She is scientific director of the MS X-HEC Entrepreneurs, of the Project Innovation Design (PIC) major and of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation major (Executive MBA).
Her research focuses on the management of breakthrough innovations, the organization of exploration and the development processes of new products. It deals with how to develop breakthrough innovations which renew the activity of the firm ? How to learn from exploration projects and how to organize them?
She is also interested in the role of design in innovating and transforming organizations.
She has published several research articles (Journal of Product Innovation Management, Creativity Innovation Management, International Journal of Project management, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Management International, International Journal of Innovation Management, Research Technology Management , Revue Française de Gestion, etc.) and has contributed to several books (Doing research in project management, Innovation based competition and design systems dynamics, From idea to market, Great authors in innovation management, etc. ). She has also edited several books (Management of Innovation and Globalization, Management of disruptive innovations, Networks: strategic and organizational dimensions, Co-design and interaction knowledge, etc.).
She regularly participates in the following conferences: AIMS, International Association of Strategic Management; AoM, Academy Of Management; BCERC, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference; EGOS, European Group of Organizational Studies; EURAM, European Academy of Management; IPDMC, International Product Development Conference; IRNOP, International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, etc).
Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini graduated from Ecole Centrale Lille as an engineer. After experience in a design office, she opted for an academic career. She obtained a DEA in Scientific Methods of Management and a doctorate from the University of Paris 9 Dauphine. She carried out her research at the Management Research Center of the Ecole Polytechnique (CRG) where she is still an associate researcher. She was a lecturer at the University of Paris 11 where she supervised the master's degree in Management Sciences. She has been visiting Stern Business School (NYU) and Babson College.
She held the Innovation and Globalization Chair (Orange) and the Innovation Management in Aeronautics Chair (Safran).
She intervened, as part of her research at the Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, Vinci, Incuballiance, Ministry of Equipment, Thales, Valeo, Air Liquide, Essilor, Danone, Orange, etc.
Scientific articles
M@n@gement, 15 October 2024, vol. 27, n° e9627, (in coll. with C. Gibert)
Research Policy, January 2023, vol. 52, n° 1, pp 104626, (in coll. with J. Langlois, R. Servajean-Hilst)
Le journal de l'école de Paris du management, January-February 2023, vol. 159, n° 1, pp 37-44, (in coll. with T. PARIS, M.-L. Rigal, A. BUSSON, D. Centlivre, M. Berry)
Journal of Product Innovation Management, September 2023, vol. 40, n° 5, pp 733-758, (in coll. with J. Sahakian)
International Journal of Project Management, July 2022, vol. 40, n° 5, pp 587-597, (in coll. with F. Charue-Duboc)
Journal of Product Innovation Management, January 2022, vol. 39, n° 1, pp 44-65, (in coll. with L. Carlgren)
Le journal de l'école de Paris du management, January-February 2022, vol. 1, n° 153, pp 44-45, (in coll. with A. BUSSON, D. CENTLIVRE, T. PARIS, M.-L. RIGAL)
Creativity and Innovation Management, March 2021, vol. 30, n° 1, pp 182-197, (in coll. with C. Abecassis-Moedas, D. Manceau, J. Pereira)
Industrial Marketing Management, August 2021, vol. 97, pp 84-96, (in coll. with R. Servajean-Hilst, C. Donada)
Revue Française de Gestion, 2020, vol. 2, n° 287, pp 121-143, (in coll. with A. Haas, B. Lehiany, R. SERVAJEAN-HILST)
University of Toronto Press (in coll. with J. SCHWEITZER, S. FIXSON )
Dunod (in coll. with F. CHARUE-DUBOC, C. MIDLER )
Editions Economica
Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture (PUCA)
Editions du Plan Construction et Architecture (in coll. with C. Midler )
Chapters in edited books
Les Grands Auteurs En Management De L'Innovation Et De La Créativité, T. Burger-Helmchen, C. Hussler, P. Cohendet, EMS Editions, 77-94
Handbook On Innovation And Project Management, A. Davies, S. Lenfle, C. H. Loch, C. Midler, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1 , 149-166
Research Handbook On Complex Project Organizing, Graham M. Winch, Maude Brunet, Dongping Cao, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2 , 158-171
Le Grand Paris Express - Les Enjeux Économiques Et Urbains, J-C. PRAGER, Editions Economica, 387-419
Innovation Et Participation, Approches Critiques, B. Laurent, M. Baker, V. Beaudouin et N. Raulet-Croset, Transvalor - Presses des Mines, 2 , 109-130
Les Grands Auteurs En Management De L'Innovation Et De La Créativité, T. Burger-Helmchen, C. Hussler, P. Cohendet, EMS Management et Sociétés
Handbbook Of Research On Family Business (2Nd Ed.), K. Smyrnios, P. Poutziouris, S. Goel eds., Edward Elgar Publishing
Innovation Et Création D'Entreprise - De L'Idée À L'Organisation, A. Bloch, S. Morin-Delerm (eds), Editions ESKA, 47-65
Capital Immatériel : Connaissance Et Performance, A. Bounfour (Ed.), Editions L'Harmattan
Maîtres D'Ouvrage, Maître D'Oeuvre Et Entreprises. De Nouveaux Enjeux Pour Les Pratiques De Projet, J. J. Terrin (Ed.), Eyrolles
2021 Academy of Management Annual Conference , 2021 , 2021 , 1 (J. SAHAKIAN)
2018 R&D management conference, 2nd - 4th July , 2018 , Milan (S. FIXSON)
27ème conférence de l'AIMS, 6-8 juin , 2018 , Montpellier (C. GIBERT)
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2021
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020
Mimeo , 2009
Scientific articles
M@n@gement, 15 October 2024, vol. 27, n° e9627, (in coll. with C. Gibert)
Journal of Product Innovation Management, September 2023, vol. 40, n° 5, pp 733-758, (in coll. with J. Sahakian)
Research Policy, January 2023, vol. 52, n° 1, pp 104626, (in coll. with J. Langlois, R. Servajean-Hilst)
Le journal de l'école de Paris du management, January-February 2023, vol. 159, n° 1, pp 37-44, (in coll. with T. PARIS, M.-L. Rigal, A. BUSSON, D. Centlivre, M. Berry)
University of Toronto Press (in coll. with J. SCHWEITZER, S. FIXSON )
Dunod (in coll. with F. CHARUE-DUBOC, C. MIDLER )
Editions Economica
Plan Urbanisme Construction Architecture (PUCA)
Chapters in edited books
Les Grands Auteurs En Management De L'Innovation Et De La Créativité, T. Burger-Helmchen, C. Hussler, P. Cohendet, EMS Editions, 77-94
Handbook On Innovation And Project Management, A. Davies, S. Lenfle, C. H. Loch, C. Midler, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1 , 149-166
Research Handbook On Complex Project Organizing, Graham M. Winch, Maude Brunet, Dongping Cao, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2 , 158-171
Le Grand Paris Express - Les Enjeux Économiques Et Urbains, J-C. PRAGER, Editions Economica, 387-419
2021 Academy of Management Annual Conference , 2021 , 2021 , 1 (J. SAHAKIAN)
2018 R&D management conference, 2nd - 4th July , 2018 , Milan (S. FIXSON)
27ème conférence de l'AIMS, 6-8 juin , 2018 , Montpellier (C. GIBERT)
Working papers
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2021
Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020
Mimeo , 2009
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2021- Academic Director of X-HEC Entrepreneur Program HEC Paris
- 2012-2018 « Management de l'Innovation et Globalisation » (France Télécom-Orange) Professor HEC Paris
- 2012-2016 Responsable the chaire/certificate "SAFRAN Innovation Management in Aeronautics" HEC Paris
- 2011- Responsable of the major "Innovation & Entrepreneurship at l'Exec-MBA" HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Member of Academy of Management (Divisions Technology Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Operations Management)
- Member of EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies)
- Member of EIASM (European Institute for advanced studies in management) organizer of EURAM (European academy of Management) and IPDMC (International Product Development Management Conference)
- Member of AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Strategique)
- Member of IRNOP (International Research Network on Organizing by Projects)
- Representation de HEC au CRCI (Centre de Reflexion sur la Conception et l'Innovation) cree par Roland Berger et Dassault Systemes.
- Member, Strategic Management Society (SMS)
- Memberof association EURAM
- member of the association ATLAS
Editorial activities
Conference organisation
Awards & honors
- 2020 Best Paper Award of Research-Technology Management Journal, for her 2019 published article co-authored with Didier Boulet, Chief Design Officer of Thales, and Sebastian Fixson, Professor at Babson College, "Making Design Thinking Work Adapting an Innovation Approach to Fit a Large Technology-Driven Firm"
- 2008 Prix de la Fondation HEC pour l'article "Favoriser l'innovation radicale dans une entreprise multidivisionnelle. Extension du modele ambidextre a partir de l'analyse d'un cas", Finance - Controle - Strategie, vol. 10, n 3, septembre 2007
- 2007 Best Paper Award Finalist, AOM, TIM Division
- 2001 Prix Vinci de l'Innovation "Knowledge sharing"
- 1999 Fullbright Fellowship