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You just came up with a great new business idea? You need help, feedback or suggestions to start running it? Or you simply want to know all possibilities HEC Paris offers you to develop a business?

We offer you the opportunity to meet experts for each of your needs: professors, specialists, and Innovation Center contacts every Thursday afternoon on Campus.

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HEC Paris students can access coworking spaces to develop their startup, surrounded by their peers:

  • In the eLab, S Building, an exclusive entrepreneurial lab equipped with state-of-the-art interactive technology that stimulates creativity and communication. It was financed thanks to the generosity of Jean-Luc Allavena, Pascal de Jenlis and Pascal Cagni, donors to the HEC Foundation.
  • In E Building, book a room, work with members of the HEC Paris - Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center staff.


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 HEC Ventures is a capital-investment fund born of a partnership between HEC Alumni and Idinvest Partners in January 2020. It aims to finance the best start-ups led by graduates of the school.

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The HEC Entrepreneurship Hub is one of the most active hubs of the HEC Alumni Association and organize regularly office hours (where any entrepreneurs can talk to their peers), seminars, events with successful companies and much more. The Hub consists of 6 clubs (Young Entrepreneurs, Impact Entrepreneurs, Business Angels, Buy-out...) 


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HEC Innovation was created in 2017 to support HEC early stage entrepreneurs. Alumni from Silicon Valley got together to launch this and offer a financial prize as well as mentorship from top entrepreneurs and executives of Silicon Valley. The hub is planning to grow around the world into other HEC Chapter.

The community of international HEC entrepreneurs is a unique network WW to help HEC start ups. Different initiatives are possible thanks to the strength of the HEC community; professors, experts, institutional partners, corporate partners but also the solidarity of our alumni across the world who represent a network of mentors and ambassadors to support and empower tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.

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The Paris-Saclay Seed Fund was launched in November 2016 by the University of Paris-Saclay and its members and operations were entrusted to two Venture Capital funds : Partech International Partners and Kurma.

It supports the new generation of tech entrepreneurs from the University of Paris-Saclay Campus!

Experts from the Paris-Saclay Seed Fund work for certain hours every week at various institutions at the Paris-Saclay Campus. They support entrepreneurs, providing support, mentorship, capital and assist with hiring and scaling companies. The Fund invests in early stage companies, giving them between €100K and €500K and in seed stage companies giving €2m+ in Series A.

Meet them, either on the HEC Paris Campus or at Station F, Paris 13e to discuss your startup project. They will give you advice on your next fundraising event, put you in contact with potentially major stakeholders, and allow you to think about your financial growth strategy.


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PEIPS network (Pôle Entrepreneuriat et Innovation Paris-Saclay) organizes events promoting entrepreneurial spirit and the creativity of students. It set up the Entrepreneur Student status (and degree) that balances studies and entrepreneurship, and incorporates supervision by passionate practitioners. It also offers to students the tools to enable them to develop and mature their entrepreneurial project: shared working spaces, ‘fablabs’ and business incubators.

Through PEIPS, 12 higher education establishments and 18 socio-economic actors work together, permanently anchoring entrepreneurship and innovation into the life the 70,000 students at Université Paris-Saclay.


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