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Management and Organizations Management and Organizations

An advanced training module for aspiring generalist managers. Constructed around three key axes of executive competencies - leadership, strategic decision making, and broader context sensemaking. (formerly Advanced Management)

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Being a successful executive requires an in-depth understanding of how organizations work. Effective managers and leaders must learn not only how to develop winning strategies, but also how to implement them, with what tools, and in what context. 
The Management and Organization specialization offers an advanced generalist MBA training, designed to complement the foundations acquired in program’s fundamental phase. The content is accordingly designed to address three key categories of competencies:

1.    People skills: team and organizational leadership, negotiation skills, positive psychology

2.    Organizational strategy skills: game theoretical tools for decision making, global supply chains, organizational performance imperative

3.    Context sensemaking skills: geopolitics and impact on business decisions

This specialization is a great option for participants who intend to pursue higher management positions. The focus on the functioning and leadership of the organization in its entirety may bring the most value to those who already possess the technical bases for their career but seek support succeeding at the next level. 
Past graduates of the specialization have taken positions with a wide variety of employers in industry, consulting, banking, family businesses or scale-ups, even in not-profits or global governmental organizations. 




1.    Experiential learning of group dynamics, conflict resolution and negotiations, power & politics
2.    Principles of organizational performance, growth, and change
3.    Game theory- and simulation-based tools for strategy and operational decision making
4.    Deep dive into geopolitical context and its implications for business


1.    To increase your people skills: more effectively manage people down, up, and lateral 
2.    To learn to lead at higher organizational levels: design, initiate and implement strategies
3.    To develop your executive mindset: ability to make sense of changing environment and chart a path forward


Sample Courses

Management and Organizations Backbone · Fundamentals of Negotiations · Thinking Strategically · Global Supply Chains · The Performance Imperative · Geopolitical Shifts & Global Consequences · Positive Psychology ·


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