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Decision Sciences


Endowed Chairs

Chair holder: Itzhak Gilboa, Professor, Economics and Decision Science Department

The AXA-HEC Paris Chair for Decision Science seeks to improve our understanding of how decisions are made and how we can support better decision making, in light of cognitive limits and psychological constraints.

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The Chair funds are devoted to sponsoring academic research, workshops and conferences, and bringing together researchers from various disciplines. It builds on HEC Paris’ research strength in decision science and supports international and national collaborations.  


In particular, the Chair funds an annual conference, titled “D-TEA” for “Decisions: Theory, Experiments, and Applications”, which aims to bring together people from different sub-disciplines and foster dialogs between them.  The conference prioritizes the inter-disciplinary dialog, including both the cross-fertilization of theory and experiments dealing with similar problems, and the interaction between these and applied work.  Applications include both immediate applications to actual decision making and applications to theoretical and empirical work in economics, finance, political science, and other fields in the social sciences.


Every year D-TEA has a different “theme”, and the organizers try to insure that there is a core of papers that are related to the main theme, so that additional researchers are also attracted to the conference, beyond the possibility of presenting their own work (which may or may not be related to the theme).  Themes include a variety of topics, from the fundamental questions of the essence of probability or of utility and how they are estimated, to social choice issues, voting schemes, and other topics.


Learn more about Itzhak Gilboa

Learn more about the D-TEA Workshop

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