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Sustainable Campus

Building an ecologically and socially responsible campus and a sustainable code of conduct for the HEC Community.

HEC Campus - Lac

At the very heart of HEC Paris' sustainable development strategy, the school is building an ecosystem that respects the environment and thrives for its community by mobilizing all those who wish to invest in the ecological and social transition. By strengthening its territorial roots, HEC is investing in key issues such as the reduction of carbon emissions, energy consumption, mobility, nutrition, waste management and the preservation of its natural park.
In 2019, a Sustainable Campus Committee was set up, made up of community representatives to propose concrete solutions. A collective dynamic has developed out of conviction, passion and determination to work together on a strategic action plan, develop awareness campaigns and organize events to make HEC an exemplary and sustainable place to live. 

Sustainable campus

HEC Paris commitments are organized around 6 main axes

Carbon Neutrality

Reducing our GHG emissions


Building an ecosystem that benefits the environment and that is fulfilling for the HEC community


Strengthening HEC's links with the outside world by developing sustainable mobility

Food Management

Working towards a healthy food that respects both students’ wellbeing and the environment

Circular Economy

Optimizing our recycling policy and sensitizing the HEC community to a change in behavior


Preserving and protecting the biodiversity of the HEC 144 acres of natural park

Sustainability Fund

The mission of the HEC Paris Sustainability Fund is to help finance projects with impact, to contribute to the development of a more sustainable campus and to help raise awareness among our community, that everyone can become an actor of change in their own environment.

The entire HEC community working or studying on campus can submit projects for this Fund, which specifically finances responsible intrapreneurship projects that have a positive impact on the campus and its community, around environmental and societal issues.

In order to be eligible for funding, projects must be: 


  • Projects are led by a current student, administrative staff, or academic staff and primarily impact the HEC campus community.
  • Focused on one or more dimensions of sustainability (i.e. environmental, social, economic) and advance sustainability on campus.
  • Either new initiatives or ones that complement, build upon or scale existing initiatives.
  • Action-oriented and aimed to make tangible change happen on HEC campus(es). These typically do not include research projects.


Sustainability Fund picture - Blue flowers on campus

REGISTER HERE for the HEC Sustainability Fund

Access and Application are possible via the intracom

Register here

Step by Step

Below you will see some successful projects and initiatives that led to real impact on campus. The carbon footprint assessment in 2019 enabled HEC to identify the main courses of GHG emissions linked to its activity and led to efforts such as:

  • Low water consumption on campys by 30% on water in 2020
  • Lower gas and electricity consumption on campus by 10% in 2020
  • Change lightings with LEDS when refurbishment 
  • Increase the share of electric cars up to 25% in HEC's car fleet
  • Mobeelity application: To facilitate commutes for employees and students and reward sustainable mobility 
  • Zoov bikes: Electric bicycles platforms on campus 
  • Klasit: Carpooling service

HEC has set up the first green zone to sort waste on campus, a uniqueness in France. Moreover, HEC community is dedicated to achievements such as:

  • 'Bring your own cup' campaign
  • 70% Reduction of plastic bottles in one year
  • 52 water fontains on campus
  • Selective sorting at the restaurant
  • 15800 cigarette butts collected and recycled in 8 months ( --> 7900m3 of water which could be preserved from the pollution of the butts --> to produce 5.92 kWh of energy)

Developed either by students, the ESP'R association or staff, several initiatives have been launched in the past two years:

  • Potajouy: a vegetable garden implemented by the students
  • Bio vegetable basket sales for staff and students
  • A collective garden
  • A bio and bulk store
  • Vegan menu at the restaurant

Efforts made possible a 30% reduction of food waste in 2019

What's New?

© HEC Paris - Daniel Brown
HEC Paris has extended its commitment to the environment by expanding recycling waste operations initiated on campus in May. The 200m² Greenzone it has created is unique in France, designed to sort out...
© HEC Paris / association ESP'R
The second 2020 HEC Paris Earth Week brought together around 2,000 students, staff members, academics and outside visitors in virtual exchanges focusing on the environmental challenges ahead. The 12-day...
Louis Fidel - Président d'ESP'R HEC PARIS
For the second time in a year, HEC Paris hosts Earth Week, a student-driven event designed both to promote social and environmental initiatives; and to debate over programs for sustainable development and...

For more information

François Collin
Director of the Climate and Environmental Strategy
Christophe Ollé
Head of Sustainable Campus
Laurianne Thoury
Communication Projects Manager