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The School

Who We Are Who We Are


Having an IMPACT, not only on business but on society as a whole, is the primary vocation of HEC Paris. To achieve this, our school must draw on its three priceless assets, which are also its pillars of excellence: research, education and action. The three-part motto, THINK, TEACH, ACT which is at the heart of HEC's mission. 

For 140 years, the HEC Paris community has been united around five fundamental and shared values: excellence, curiosity, entrepreneurial spirit, responsibility and diversity.


Our vision :

We IMPACT business and society through research, education, and action, to contribute to a more inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable world.

Our mission : 

We THINK and push the boundaries of knowledge

We TEACH, learn and grow together

We ACT, to unleash human potential


Shared values

Driven by our European roots and a 140-year-old history, our core values are:
HEC Paris - Curiosité / Curiosity



HEC Paris - Excellence


HEC Paris - Diversité / Diversity


HEC Paris - Responsabilité / Responsibility


HEC Paris - Esprit entrepreneurial / Entrepreneurial Spirit

Entrepreneurial Spirit



Master in Management

Masters in Management 2024

Financial Times


Master in International Finance

Masters in Finance Pre-experience 2024

Financial Times


Master in Strategic Management

Masters in Management Rankings 2024

QS Ranking



Full-Time MBA ranking 2025

The Financial Times


International EMBA

Executive MBA Ranking 2024

Financial Times


TRIUM Global Executive MBA

Executive MBA Ranking 2024

Financial Times


Executive Education

Executive Education rankings 2023

Financial Times


European Business School

European Business Schools Rankings 2024

Financial Times


Affiliated with the Paris Île-de-France Chamber of Commerce and Industry, HEC Paris is an EESC (Etablissement d’Enseignement Supérieur Consulaire). HEC Paris was the first establishment to adopt the new status of EESC on January 1, 2016.

The HEC Paris EESC is an autonomous, privately-governed body, whose shareholders are the CCI Paris Île-de-France, the HEC Foundation and HEC Alumni. HEC Paris is managed by a Board of Directors.


Jean-Paul Agon is Chairman of the HEC Paris Board.


Eloïc Peyrache serves as the Director General and Dean of HEC Paris.

Paris Ile-de-France CCI

HEC Paris is affiliated with the Paris Île-de-France CCI, representing almost 840,000 companies and 29 % of the national GDP.

HEC Paris Management

The HEC Paris Management Committee oversees the institution’s operational management.

Board of Directors

Its goal is to determine the directions of HEC Paris’ activity, whether that be in terms of teaching, human resources or partnerships, and ensure their implementation.

International Advisory Board

The IAB has an advisory role to the Board of Directors of HEC Paris, particularly on international strategic issues, and bases its recommendations on the experience of its members.


HEC Paris has a deep-seated belief that long-term sustainability and ethics are core values in business. This social responsibility is the leitmotiv defining much of the school’s teaching, actions and research. Its commitment to finding alternative models for running businesses is open to students from all economic and social backgrounds.

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History of HEC Paris

Coming from a tradition of French excellence, HEC Paris has established itself over the years as a world-renowned institution. From 1881 until today, from boulevard Malesherbes to the campus of Jouy-en-Josas, from a national ambition to an international outreach, discover the main stages of the school's development.

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