Diversity & Inclusion
With over 120 nationalities and as many social and cultural backgrounds, the HEC Paris Community is a unique melting-pot that allows each student to better understand the world we live in. As future leaders, but first and foremost, as human beings, all students learn from each other during their courses and leisure time.

Diversity and inclusion have become the critical components of what tomorrow’s professionals and leaders are looking for in the workplace. With several official and professionally trained referents against discriminations, HEC Paris wants to encourage and contribute to the conversation on diversity for and with all the students.
Discover some « Diversity and Inclusion » initiatives at HEC Paris here:

A Diversity Committee was created within HEC Paris at the end of 2019. Co-Chaired by Matteo Winkler, associate professor of tax & law, and Marcelle Laliberté, Chief Diversity Officer, this committee focuses on:
- Developing a vision of the students’ D&I, while seeking the support of HEC’s different stakeholders, such as HEC Alumni, the HEC Foundation, HEC au Féminin and the school’s corporate partners, in order to build a diverse educational environment that is also culturally competent.
- Coordinating and supporting institution-wide efforts to ensure equitable educational practices and opportunities for all students from abroad, as well as marginalized and low-income students across all HEC Paris programs.
- Monitoring and evaluating program effectiveness and implementing the changes required to develop a school that is strong in promoting D&I on campus.
The concrete objectives of the Diversity Committee are to:

- Guide student-led projects linked to D&I.
- Help student associations to ensure the diversity of its participants and develop future inclusive practices.
- Ensure the proper connections on D&I-related topics between the student community and HEC Paris stakeholders.
- Develop forums for open debates on issues of D&I within the campus such as the HEC DiversiTALKS.
- Identify partnerships and organizations that support the mission of the school in building an inclusive campus.
At HEC Paris, we infuse Diversity, Equity and Inclusion through our three pillars of Think, Teach and Act.
Read the latest research from HEC professors and Ph.D. students on the impact of Human Resources policies and leadership on diversity and inclusion (D&I). These often throw up stereotypes in factors of discrimination and in shaping workplaces and society. Researchers explain their key findings in D&I and offer concrete insights and recommendations to better face management and career challenges. Hence, they attempt to answer certain crucial societal issues.
Read our HEC Paris Charter of respect of the community
Discover our specific “Why Diversity Matters” Research, led by HEC Professors
Discover the HEC Student Guide “How to be a good ally for LGBTQIA+ people”
Check our HEC DiversiTalks Series on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
HEC Paris has won 3rd prize in the Mozaïk Foundation's Economic Inclusion Awards, in the "Diversity and Inclusion Communication Campaign" category.
Hélène Bermond, Delegate for Equal Opportunities/Egalité des Chances: " This award is a great encouragement to continue. Our ambition is to go further, to strengthen social diversity within the school and the social impact of HEC beyond our Campus. It is the commitment of the entire school that has been rewarded. "
The Community of HEC Paris and its stakeholders recognise diversity, inclusiveness and respect for others as among their founding values. Students, employees, faculty, alumni/ae and school leaders support the Community in respecting and always embodying these values, on and off-campus, to ensure that these shared values constantly inspire their own actions and behaviours, both individually and in groups, both in academic and non-academic settings.
The Community respects everyone’s ideas, beliefs and words and ensures that free speech is exercised having regard for its founding values and in accordance with French laws. The Community considers the physical and mental integrity of its members, a harmonious community life, the integrity of the school facilities and services and the smooth unfolding of all students’ activities, including sports and events, of the utmost importance.
The Community ensures the equality of all its members, guests and visitors, and in such refuses, condemns and fights against all forms of racism, antisemitism, homo- and transphobia, xenophobia and religious intolerance and any kind of discrimination based on race*, skin colour, gender, ethnic origins, nationality, age, religion and beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, neurodiversity, political opinion or affiliation, and labour union affiliation, and any other personal characteristics and/or conditions.
Each member of the Community who witnesses or is victim of behaviours inconsistent with the principles outlined in this Charter has the right to file a complaint with HEC Paris, in which case an inquiry and/or disciplinary proceedings will follow pursuant to HEC Paris internal regulations.
* HEC Paris rejects theories which attempt to determine the existence of separate human races. The use of the term “race” in this Charter does not imply an acceptance of such theories.
Grande Ecole and MBA Students are also actively involved in the prevention and safety at HEC Paris. They are trained by EGAE, the HEC Prevention Partner against discriminations. Their presence during events and parties on campus multiplies the safe contacts – in addition to the student bar crews that are also specifically trained to respond - if students are looking for peers to discuss and assist themselves. As HEC students, do not hesitate to talk to them, they’re here to help. You can find their contacts on your Student Portal (intranet).
HEC Paris is providing its students and participants with an internal that allows them to report any incident (discrimination, harassment, sexual or gender-based violence, etc.) either personally or anonymously, while keeping the exchanges confidential.
HEC Paris has defined a set of measures and procedures to support victims of discriminatory behavior, harassment or sexual or sexist violence and to be able to punish perpetrator(s) via disciplinary measures, whether they are students, teachers or employees.
HEC Paris is providing its students and participants with an internal reporting platform that allows them to report any incident (discrimination, harassment, sexual or gender-based violence, etc.) either personally or anonymously, while keeping the exchanges confidential.
When a report is made to the Student Affairs Department of HEC Paris, it triggers a phase of interviews with the victims and witnesses who wish to be heard, and the provision, where necessary, of psychological, medical or legal support. This support can be implemented internally by the HEC Paris medical center or carried out by external service providers (psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, etc.).

When a report is made, an internal investigation phase may also be launched, conducted objectively and impartially by a team of internal investigators, while respecting confidentiality.
In order to protect victims and witnesses, precautionary and protective measures may be taken by the school in accordance with the rules of proportionality.
This investigation phase will result in the gathering of testimonies, listening to any person involved or witnessing the facts and collecting factual elements. At the end of this investigation phase, an investigation report is submitted to the Dean of HEC Paris for decision. The decisions taken may be as follows:

HEC Paris has defined disciplinary procedures for its students, as well as for its teachers and employees, which are applicable when they are the perpetrators of discriminatory behavior, harassment or sexual or sexist violence.
A system of sanctions ranging from a reminder of the Regulations to permanent expulsion from the school has been defined for students in the framework of a disciplinary board. The disciplinary board reviews the case file and takes testimony from victims, witnesses and respondents before making a collegial and proportionate decision. These disciplinary decisions are displayed on Campus in the middle of the T building.
A system of sanctions in compliance with labor law has also been drawn up for HEC Paris teachers and employees.
Victims of discriminatory behavior, harassment, or sexual or gender-based violence can initiate criminal proceedings and file a complaint with the police.
The Dean of HEC Paris may also report the matter to the Public Prosecutor, who will decide whether or not to open a judicial inquiry. This reporting is independent of the complaint filed by the victim.
Criminal proceedings are separate from the internal disciplinary procedure. The two procedures can therefore be carried out in parallel. Nevertheless, the HEC Paris disciplinary board may take into account a criminal justice decision to rule on disciplinary matters.
HEC Paris Business School is a community comprised of faculty, staff, students, and alumni all committed to welcoming and accepting individuals from diverse global and multigenerational communities. Our staff and faculty bring varying international backgrounds, skill levels, education levels, and personal experiences to the student experience. All of these unique perspectives fit together to create an environment based on our five core values of curiosity, excellence, diversity, responsibility and entrepreneurial spirit. The Dean, Faculty, Students and Staff of HEC Paris Business School are committed to increase our contributions to a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable society through connected communities.
In 2023, the HEC community is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the opening of the school to women by publishing a series of portraits of women graduates whose commitment and exemplary success have had a positive impact on society. A look at both the path we have taken and the challenges we still have to overcome on our way to gender equality.
Find out more on the 50 years of gender equality at HEC Paris
- French National Week against Racism & Antisemitism (in March)
- Since 2018 : Wintegreat's 12-Week Academic Program in favor of the professional integration of refugees (since 2018)
- In 2020 : Virtual discussions about the « Black Lives Matter » movement and powerful testimonies of students
- Charity actions by HEC associations:
- Fundraising activities : Action pour le Bénin, Good Morning Vietnam, Des piliers pour avancer (by the rugby club)
- Material support : Running4Africa, Run4water
Since 2019, HEC Paris has been committed to building a community that is enriched by its differences and allowing everyone to choose their own path. In the last few years
If you have not done so when you applied, we invite you to contact the HEC Paris Health & Prevention Center (healthcenter@hec.fr) and/or the Disability Referent (esh@hec.fr)
Some examples of awareness operations :
- Well-Being Week to focus on the well-being of students
- DYS-functions and Silent Coffee Awareness events
- Guide dogs Workshops with the French National Federation on Campus
- Escape games in the library
- Promotion of French National Awareness Campaigns and Contests (Tremplin handicap, Handitrophy, Handitech Trophy, DuoDay for disabled interns, National Awareness Day for Disability with the support of HEC Paris Health & Prevention Center)