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HEC Greater China Subsidiary

HEC Paris started its cooperation with Tsinghua School of Economics in 1984 and inaugurated its subsidiary in Beijing in 2006 mainly to support the development of executive education programs: EMBA mobility, custom programs in China and abroad. Other missions of the China office include maintaining and exploring partnerships with academic organizations and corporations, enhancing the visibility of HEC Paris, mobilizing and animating the HEC Alumni community.



  • HEC takes in approximately 200 Chinese students across programs every year. Chinese nationals represent the largest non-French citizen group on campus 
  • Every year, over 90 students participate in exchange programs between France and China
  • Four Alumni Chapters in Beijing, Shanghai, South China and Hong Kong representing about 2,000 Alumni. HEC Alumni meet on a regular basis and have speaker sessions in all areas
  • More than 22 Corporate Ambassadors in companies such as JP Morgan, Schneider Electric, Li & Fung, Fosun, Manulife, Mazars, Pfizer, Pingan, Jeffries, ICBC...
  • 4 HEC Chinese-speaking professors


HEC Paris China Office Social Media

From left to right: Wechat Video Channel account, Wechat News Feed account, Weibo account and Little Red Book account.


HEC Paris Beijing Office - social media accounts




HEC Paris China Office

北京市朝阳区工人体育场北路号院中国法国工商会 81号楼202-203室

Room 202-203, No.81, Yard 4, CCI France Chine, Gong Ren Ti Yu Chang North Road, Chaoyang District. Beijing 100020



Alumni in Greater China


Events Organized per Year by All Chapters


Alumni Chapters: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, South China


Local Degree Program with Tsinghua University


Corporate Ambassadors


Photo of Ziyue Zhou and quote
Ziyue Zhou’s story is one of exploration, growth, and embracing opportunities across the globe. Born in Nantong, a city near Shanghai, Ziyue’s academic and professional experiences have taken her from the...
HEC Paris Beijing office MBA presentation
Allison Brown, MBA Marketing and Recruitment Manager, recently returned from a successful promotional trip to Asia, with invaluable support from Junko Adachi, Director of the HEC Paris office in Tokyo...
HEC Paris Beijing Office - AI doc screening presentation
On January 10th, in collaboration with the HEC Paris China Office, the joint screening and panel discussion of the Chinese-Italian documentary film "AI La" was held at the Yale Beijing Center located in...
Beijing Office Alumni House Opening
Located within Z-SPACE, a multifunctional space that fuses the traditional architecture of Chinese courtyard houses with a modern aesthetic, the Beijing "HEC Alumni House" finally opened on November 15...
HEC Beijing EMAC new class vignette
Last month, the opening ceremony for the new cohort of the Executive Media, Art and Creation (EMAC) program took place at the Institut français (French cultural center) in Beijing. Mr Corbard, Attaché for...
HEC EMAC graduation
From June 7 to 10, the Executive Master in Media, Art and Creation (EMAC) first ever cohort travelled to Paris with a packed schedule: starting with the Grand Palais Immersif's "Éternel Mucha" exhibition...




HEC China Highlights 2021


Despite the recurring epidemic and travel restriction in 2021, the school developed more innovative online courses, and the entrepreneurship programs extended from STATION F to L’ Oréal and other companies. The China Office also created opportunities under constraints: the EMAC executive program was officially launched, the possibilities of new online customized courses were constantly explored in cooperation with companies, and various alumni activities continued.

The year 2021 did not become gloomy due to the epidemic, but presented us with lots of highlights thanks to our partners and alumni.

HEC-Tsinghua AAD
Executive Program with Tsinghua AAD on Media, Art and Creation  

The opening ceremony of the EMAC joint executive program with Tsinghua AAD was officially launched on March 25 in Beijing. Eloïc Peyrache, Dean of HEC Paris, represented by Philippe Oster, Director of International Affairs, attended the event online and delivered welcome speech together with the Dean and profs of Tsinghua AAD. A total of 29 students were enrolled in the program. The course was delivered in different cities such as in Shanghai/Shenzhen/Beijing so as to get connected with the local cultural enterprises and resources.

Sustech-hec online course 2021
New Exploration of Online Training Under Covid-19

The 2nd cohort of online course of “Reinvent Your Business” taught by HEC professor Laurence Lehmann Ortega, co-operated with SUSTech was launched on May 21, and completed on June 26, 2021.

The Data of Leaders Course
Data for Leaders Course 

The “Data for Leaders”course co-operated by SUSTech and HEC Paris Joint Center for Shandong Ocean Culture and Tourism Group started on December 13. This course is the first cooperative exploration between two schools and the local cultural and tourism enterprise. The lecturers are in Paris, the delivery team in Beijing and Shenzhen, and the interpreters are in Nanjing.


HEC Alumni Relations




beijing chapter alumni networking
The "2021 French Returnees Spring Gathering & Alumni Networking" in Beijing

Beijing [Mar 26] : The “2021 French Returnees Spring Gathering & Alumni Networking” co-organized by HEC Paris/Sciences Po/ESSEC/SKEMA was held on March 26 in Beijing.

eu-china trade and investment relations
HEC Conference Talk  at Embassy of Delegation of EU to China

“EU-China trade and investment relations in practice” — HEC Conference Talk at Embassy of delegation of European Union to China in Beijing in April.

hec beijing chapter
HEC Alumni
hec-mit alumni club
Summer Afterwork Drink of HEC Paris and MIT Alumni Club of Beijing

Nearly 60 alumni and friends came to join and celebrate the reunion after a long summer break.

HEC Beijing Chapter autumn hiking event in October



Modern Dance Event with Berkeley, CMU, Columbia, Harvard, HBS, MIT, NYU, Penn, Stanford.


Beijing [Oct. 21] : Billecart Salmon Champagne Tasting Event on October 20.



Beijing [Oct 29] : Ivy + Cambridge Schools + UPenn and HEC Alumni Halloween Party



HEC Alumni Chunyan Li gave her online themed sharing on cultural difference between France and China



Beijing Chapter celebrated the Christmas together and welcomed the New Year of 2022




HEC Alumni Shanghai hosted the webinar session on the topic of global warming: "How to reach Paris Goal with the return of USA in February"

Foundation of Shanghai HEC Alumni House at Cotton, and B-school gathering with CEIBS and INSEAD.


Shanghai [Apr 8] : Wine tasting event organized by Shanghai Alumni Association.



HEC Shanghai Alumni Community sent Guillaume Ferrand farewell in June. Guillaume served as Vice President for many years, his empathetic personality and love for Chinese people and culture will be missed by the HEC Shanghai community.

Themed Sharing on “Chinese Enterprise-Going Abroad” by Manson LI and Edouard de Mezerac.



Southern China


HEC x ESSEC — “When the fine wine meets fine art” Wine tasting and art event”.


HEC South China Chapter after-work gathering on September, and Christmas dinner at the end of tthe year 2021.



Hong Kong [Sep 15] NFT Art & Wine Event Hong Kong Chapter.



Hong Kong [Dec 16] HK Chapter Christmas Dinner 


Support to school

HEC at CIFTIS in Beijing


HEC’ s presence in CIFTIS (China International Fair In Trade in Services) The 2021 China International Service Trade Fair was held in Beijing from September 2 to 7. HEC Paris was invited to be one of the exhibitors to present its education programs and services.


hitsz international open day
Shenzhen [Oct 16] HITSZ International Open Day.


HEC China office relaunched the HEC CAP program in August. 18th more ambassadors recruited from various industries including consulting, banking, investment, manufacturing, digital, etc. The average age of the candidates is around 35 years old, and are from MBA and GE programs.




Savio Khan
Savio Khan


Beijing (Jan 4), Shanghai (Jan 15), Hong Kong (June 12): "Doing Business in China - It is a question of Trust, The Alibaba Story" with Savio Kwan, former President and Chief Operating Officer of Alibaba Group 



Aden Services


Aden Services


Beijing (Feb 6): Aden Services Office. High profile HEC Alumni from Airbus, Oasis International Hospital, UNICEF, Ningbo Nottingham University etc. came together for a presentation of Aden services and to discuss future working & education trends


Yale Center Beijing


Yale Center Beijing


Yale Center Beijing


Yale Center Beijing


Beijing (April 18), instigated by HEC and held in partnership with Yale at Yale Center Beijing. “Power of Culture” with Dominique de Villepin, former French Minister and Peter Todd, Dean of  HEC Paris. The conference emphasized that culture, sharing and dialogue contribute to world peace through 3 main pillars: 1) sovereignty (role of member state) 2) international development (wealth sharing, respect for one another’s values and cultures) and 3) institution (such as role of UN)


Business School Gobi Challenge


Business School Gobi Challenge


Gansu Province, Gobi desert (April 30- May 6): The 13th Business School Gobi Challenge - The HEC Team: LIU Zhimin, XIE Minjun, WANG Zhiyu, Lv Zhong and Ellen Cheng, have successfully completed the 13th Business School Gobi Challenge. They completed about 114 km+ hiking (and running) in four days


Seminar on “Benchmarking World’s Leading Enterprises”


Seminar on “Benchmarking World’s Leading Enterprises”


HEC Chateau, Jouy-en Josas (April 16-20): one-week custom seminar on “Benchmarking World’s Leading Enterprises” successfully held for SPIC (Chinese State Power Investment Corporation). Academic Director: Prof Andrea Masini. A group of experts from the energy field conducted in-depth study and discussion on topics such as the development strategy of energy companies, human resources management, performance evaluation, and technological innovation


Learning expedition


Learning expedition


Beijing (May 14-18): organization of a learning expedition for 80 executives from TOTAL. This is the first module of TOTAL Business Skills, an intense custom executive development program managed by HEC Paris to train TOTAL executives. Academic Director: Prof. Jean-Michel Gauthier. The program focused on the theme of China’s energy mix transition and studied in detail the Chinese government’s plan to shift away from traditional sources of energy to more renewable energy sources


EMBA Shanghai


EMBA Shanghai


Shanghai (June 3-9): 50 EMBA Class 2019 participants for a mobility module on Information Systems & Operation Management with company visits in Hangzhou to Transfer Group and Jinsong Euna and cultural events


Publications on Wechat


Publications on Wechat


Publication of about 80 articles on Wechat social media platform. Number of followers increased by 10% reaching more than 6,300 in the first six months of 2018


Signing of a MOU with South University of Technology and Science (SUStech) in Shenzhen


Signing of a MOU with South University of Technology and Science (SUStech) in Shenzhen


June 22: Signing of a MOU with South University of Technology and Science (SUStech) in Shenzhen in presence of French Prime Minister. Sustech is a newly established university by the Shenzhen Government with programs delivered in English. HEC Paris will work with School of Entrepreneurship for Sino French Innovation Platform and other relevant projects


MOU with GAAC - Global Art and AI Competition


June 23: MOU with GAAC - Global Art and AI Competition. GAAC is the world's first AI Art Competition event, co-sponsored by the Center for Art and Science of Tsinghua University, the Art and Technology Innovation Center at Tsinghua University. It aims to create a new AI art field through the cross-border integration of AI technology and artistic creation


An agreement with the Tsinghua Academy of Art and Design to launch a joint Master degree in Media, Art and Creation to cultivate global professional talents in the areas of Art, Media and Culture while keeping a balance between high-level theoretical knowledge and business relevance
