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Hi! Paris Center Hi! Paris Center

HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) have created Hi! Paris, an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional center that combines education, research and innovation. Its declared ambition is to become a world leader in these fields within five years by answering the major challenges linked to digital transformation and its impact on companies and society at large.

The Center will rely on the 300 researchers and infrastructures of IP Paris and HEC Paris in these fields.

See the Hi! Paris website

Discover the Hi! Paris center

An Interdisciplinary Center Dedicated to AI and Data Science, for the Benefit of Science, the Economy, and Society


Exponential growth in the volume of data and advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have created a new paradigm for scientific methods and are transforming all sectors of the economy. 

France is currently in need of world-class research that is both ethical and effective, as well as training and an innovative ecosystem in the field of AI and Data Science. This issue is crucial in developing technologies related to AI in France, especially given the institutions it is up against in the English-speaking world and Asia. If France is to be endowed with the means to meet the growing needs of companies and society and take up these major scientific challenges, then the time has come for companies and academic institutions to band together for the sake of progress.

Relive the launch of Hi! Paris:

Key Facts




founding sponsors


new world-class professors hired over the next 5 years


PhD students in world-class international research


500 students in the Master's program by 2025

Hi! Paris News

Masashi Sugiyama vignette
The Hi! PARIS Center kicked off its third academic year on September 26 by inviting renowned scientific researcher Masashi Sugiyama to share his latest work on robust machine learning. The University of...
Hi!Paris debate around Artificial Intelligence as a lever to promote gender diversity in science - Feb. 11, 2022
As part of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Hi! PARIS Center - AI for Society organized a debate around Artificial Intelligence as a lever to promote gender diversity in science. The...
Hi Paris Article Fellows
Telecom Paris was the informal setting for the September 27 launch of five major AI fellowship projects. These will explore groundbreaking concepts ranging from state-of-the-art computer graphics to the...
Hickathon Hi! Paris - mars 2021
Over the March 12 weekend, the Hi! Paris Center further marked its interdisciplinary research commitments through an inaugural hackathon, the Center’s first Data/AI event baptized Hi!ckathon. 35 teams...
Webinar Hi! Paris janv. 2021
Six months after opening, France’s new scientific research hub, Hi! Paris, launched its first-ever series of webinars with an uncompromising debate on the challenges of bias in machine learning algorithms...
©Jeremy Barande - Hi! Paris - Vignette
HEC Paris and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris ( IP Paris, which unites Ecole Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis) launched a new center devoted to Data Science...

The Founders

logos d'HEC Paris et IP Paris, cofondatrices du centre Hi! Paris


The Partners


logo de L'Oréal, partenaire du centre Hi! Parislogo de Capgemini, partenaire du centre Hi! Parislogo de TotalEnergies, partenaire du centre Hi! Parislogo de Kering, partenaire du centre Hi! Parislogo de Rexel, partenaire du centre Hi! Parislogo de Vinci, partenaire du centre Hi! Paris



Nicolas Vieille, HEC Paris
Nicolas Vieille
Hi! Paris Scientific Co-Director and HEC Paris Professor
© Ecole polytechnique
Eric Moulines
Hi! Paris Scientific Co-Director and Ecole polytechnique Professor
© Telecom Paris
Executive Director of the Hi! Paris center, Professor at Telecom Paris