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S&O Institute

Train change-makers and leaders for responsible and sustainable management. Our objective is to help current and future managers and leaders to be actors of change, in a complex, uncertain, and fast evolving world.

A school that shapes the future


The S&O Institute aims to blend its research into the curriculum and the teaching methods of HEC programs. The objective is clear: to train managers capable of grasping the major challenges of our time and becoming leading forces in the transformation of business and society.


Developing and diffusing new knowledge

The S&O Institute is currently hard at work developing innovative teaching methods that ensure all students receive a grounding in contemporary challenges during their time at HEC Paris. These initiatives include the ‘Sustainable GlobStrat’ business game and FACT (Field in Action), applied classes that give first-year students the opportunity to participate in real projects alongside social entrepreneurs in France and elsewhere.

In 2020, the online Executive program Sustainable Transition Management was launched to enhance companies’ core capabilities to implement the transition toward more sustainable business model and to build their sustainable competitive advantage. This certificate allows the learners to deeply understand the global context of sustainable development that determines the new economic, social and societal framework in which companies are now evolving. 

The S&O Institute is also working on reorganizing and reinforcing existing courses and specialized programs (Master in Sustainable & Social Innovation, Social and Inclusive Business Certificate, among others).


Assimilating new ways of being

Achieving a better understanding of oneself is an essential condition for the development of responsible leadership. Thus, the S&O Institute is currently establishing a program of seminars and a dedicated coaching platform designed to help students gain such understanding and truly reflect upon their values, personal drive, and professional ambitions. The Institute will also place renewed emphasis on the value of experience in the field, which is crucial to the development of future decision-makers who are responsible and open-minded.


We want to help them develop the knowledge, know hows and soft skills that are today required to build innovative ways of doing business, reducing negative externalities and also creating positive impact on people and nature.

Various programs


The S&O Institute offers a wide range of courses and programs at all degree levels. Beyond this catalogue, it is working to integrate sustainability and societal issues in core courses. 

Which courses?



The S&O Institute designed and created these Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) to accompany all those who want to have a positive impact on society. Participants learn how to put ideas into action.

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Experiential learning


The S&O Institute places renewed emphasis on the value of experience in the field, crucial to the development of future decision-makers who are responsible and open-minded.

On the field