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Research on Inclusive Economy

Our mission: Combine original data collection and rigorous scientific research in order to offer reliable solutions for decision-makers seeking to further economic inclusion and expand economic opportunity for all.


How can business help build a more inclusive society? 

Our latest research papers

  • Marieke Huysentruyt, Bertrand Quelin, The Governance of Nonprofits and Their Social Impact: Evidence from a Randomized Program in Healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Management Science, mai 2024, vol. 70, n° 5, pp 2732–2755, (in coll. with A. Fangwa, C. Flammer)
  • Marieke Huysentruyt, Incentivizing Textbooks for Self-Study: Experimental Evidence from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Economic Journal, Forthcoming, (in coll. with J.-B. Falisse, A. Olofsgård)
  • Leandro Nardi, Can Public Organizations Perform Like Private Firms? The Role of Heterogeneous Resources and Practices, Organization Science, July-August 2023, vol. 34, n° 4, pp 1527-1553, (in coll. with T. Teodorovicz, S. Lazzarini, S. Cabral)
  • Brian Hill, Are People Willing to Pay for Reduced Inequality? Management Science, Forthcoming, (in coll. with T. LLOYD)
  • Rodolphe Durand, Impact Investing in Disadvantaged Urban Areas, Strategic Management Journal, 19 2024, vol. 45, n° 2, pp 238-271, (in coll. with R. Boulongne, C. Flammer)

On going research

  • Yasir Dewan, The Ideological Imperative: Corporate Social Responsibility and News Media Coverage of Firms, Organization Science, Forthcoming, (in coll. with T. Simons, G. Wernicke)
  • Camille Doche, When Producers Leave Cooperatives: the Interplay Between Shared and Common-pool Resources. (working paper)
  • Audrey Holm, When Systems Challenge Occupational Ambitions: Boundary Negotiation while Rehabilitating Prisoners in a World of Corrections (working paper)
  • Marieke Huysentruyt, Bridging Social Capital and Trust, a Research Agenda (in coll. with María de los Ángeles Gutiérrez, M. Yann Algan)
  • Marieke Huysentruyt, The Effects of Audience-organization Alignment on Access to Social Benefits, 2023 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (in coll. with P. Gouvard)
  • Finia Kuhlmann, Accounting for Values of Modern Slavery Survivor Care. An Ethnographic Study of the Development of Outcomes and Indicators (working paper
  • Leandro Nardi, Supporting Contractors in Low-income Communities: A Field Experiment (working paper)
  • Crystal Yanting Shi, LinkedIn’s Global Expansion and Its Influence on the Corporate Director Labor Market (working paper)


Book - Social Economy Science 2024

Social Economy Science, Transforming the economy & making society more resilient

Contributors show how the social economy pursues innovation for impact, acts as an agent of change and enters partnerships with businesses, public administration and citizens. They demonstrate how this makes society more resilient and transforms the economy to meet sustainability challenges.

Available here on open access

Co-editors Gorgi Krlev, Dominika Wruk, Giulio Pasi, Marika Bernhard
Leading practitioners and academics as contributors among whom Marieke Huysentruyt




De Gaulle-Fleurance 2024


Observatoire des transitions sociétales 2023, Durabilié et nouveaux modèles d'affaires

De Gaulle Fleurance, in partnership with HEC Paris, has published the 4th edition of the Observatory of Societal Transitions, dedicated to new regulations and litigation trends related to sustainability issues. Strengthening of the duty of vigilance, the gradual implementation of the CSRD directive, sustainable finance... The lawyers from De Gaulle Fleurance, professors from HEC, and the Chief Citizenship Officer of Schneider Electric decipher these issues and their consequences for businesses.


HEC S&P report

What Gets Measured: Social factor coverage in corporate ESG frameworks

The researchers of the S&O Inclusive Economy Center joined forces with S&P Global Ratings to take stock of the most influential ESG frameworks currently in use and ask: What social factors do these frameworks actually cover, and what factors are being left out?

Download the report

Inclusive Business report


Inclusive Business: What it is and Why it matters

We explain what an inclusive economy means to us and detail barriers to inclusion and levers that businesses can use to remove these obstacles.

Download the report

SIA report


Are your social initiatives making the right impact?

S&O has published a Social Impact Assessment Strategy Report, your toolkit for better social impact measurement

Download the report


What you need to know about Sustainability and CSR

These 19 factsheets summarize, on a single page and in a simple and easily understandable language, academic and practical knowledge on various CSR-related topics: the Sustainable Development Goals, the triple bottom line, inclusive business, social business..

Have a look at our collection of 19 factsheets


Marieke Programme MALIN vignette
Social Innovation

The Role of Empathy in Corporate Social Initiatives


CSR Priorities: Why Companies Benefit From Unique Choices

By Leandro Nardi

social entrepreneurship - adobe stock
Social Innovation

How to Drive Innovators for the Common Good

By Marieke Huysentruyt


Human Rights Sanctions Often Fail to Improve Human Rights

By Armin Steinbach