Cecilia Capello
Summer Student Story

I deeply wanted to understand the role and the power that finance has in shaping and controlling the phenomenon of climate change. This program has allowed me to do that – and so much more.
Education is not simply about learning new concepts, it’s about using them to make us more aware of what we can do and how we can change our future. As an upcoming student of the MSc in Finance at Bocconi University, following my bachelor’s degree in Economics, I am aware about how certain disciplines such as finance and macroeconomics have the power of shaping our lives, but I wanted to go deeper into understanding their key role. Having always been attracted by HEC Paris and the way it delivers education, I applied for their Summer School.
To be honest, I was a little frightened before getting to HEC, but ever since entering the main hall, I understood it was unnecessary as I immediately felt “in my place”. I sincerely think back on these two weeks as one of the richest and most fulfilling experiences of my life as a student and also a young woman. Being in a multicultural environment full of well prepared, competitive and curious people made me feel in the right place to grow as a person. It was all about collaborating, getting to know each other as intensively as possible in just two weeks. I think that this is one of the key benefits of this kind of experience: you share interests and curiosity, you are filled with people and with their stories, and take them back home with you.
If the Sustainble Finance & Investment summer program has been such a memorable academic experience, this is mainly due to the Director of the program, Layal Nabhan, who was able to stimulate our curiosity with her expertise not only in Green Finance and Investments, but also with her consistent background in consulting and global banking. We also had the chance to learn from other illuminating experts, like Oxana Meggle (Senior Investment Officer in Sustainable Finance at IFC) and Isabelle Millat (Head of Sustainable Finance at Barclays ), who have given us a deep and meaningful insights in the field of impact investing and ESG principles.
But of course, the program was not only about listening; an important part was about participating proactively, as we were regularly expected to collaborate in groups on concrete projects. This allowed us to put into practice what we had learnt and to challenge ourselves, while developing our interpersonal skills.
I feel grateful for having learnt so much about the link between Finance and the changes in our planet. Being so close to Paris allowed me to enjoy an international environment in an unforgettable way. Mostly, I’m grateful for the people, for the stories I’ve heard and for the activities on the campus, as they truly made me feel the best version of myself. Thanks HEC for this incredible opportunity, I would do nothing but recommend it as a way to grow as a person!
For more information on this Summer Program