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Arushi Upmanyu

Summer Student Story

Arushi Upmanyu

Luxury Management

Arushi Upmanyu

Luxury isn’t a logo, a label, or a bag. It’s a peek into someone’s dream and the desire to make that dream yours.


This perspective shift is a culmination of the precious exchanges I had with a hugely diverse crowd of individuals while attending the Summer Program on Luxury Management at HEC Paris this summer.

As a computer science engineering student who loves music, art and literature, luxury is one of those novels I would go back to everyday, with notes jotted down in the corners of its pages. Design and Technology are together driving Luxury into realms of splendor, thereby, making it a significant chapter of my life by combining all that I love and excel at.

At HEC Paris, I had the opportunity to explore the nuances of this industry and indulge in real world conversations regarding it. From lectures on consumerism, marketing, brand strategy for a luxury brand, to guest lectures on global economy, gems and jewels, I had the opportunity to dive deep into the specifics of what makes luxury luxurious.

The fact that the classroom was filled with students from many nationalities gave me a taste of how varied perspectives and cultures gel well in order to produce globally impactful conclusions and strategies. This experience is definitely one of the most exciting highlights of my journey towards achieving my goals.

The group project enhanced my approach to collaboration and immensely supported the development of being openminded to the insane amount of ideas and creativity you can be exposed to in an international environment.

Campus life at HEC Paris Summer School was one to cherish and I've definitely made lifelong friends and connections. I am super proud and humbled to now be a part of the HEC family!

For more information on this Summer Program