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Social Entrepreneurship Center

Embracing entrepreneurship as a tool for social transformation

Embracing entrepreneurship as a tool for social transformation and promoting a solidary economy that creates a value chain for society, generates positive impact, and brings about structural changes for a more inclusive and fairer world.

Accélérateur ESS


About the center

The vision of HEC Paris is to generate a positive impact on society and business. While entrepreneurial spirit is a shared value, responsibility and diversity are equally important.

The HEC Paris Social Entrepreneurship Center integrates these principles to promote a social and solidarity economy that benefits society, generates positive impact, and fosters structural changes for a more inclusive and fairer world.

The center reshapes the mindset of social entrepreneurs by providing skills empowerment and financial autonomy through dedicated mentoring and training sessions. Our programs are ideal for purpose-driven entrepreneurs with strong local foundations, aiming to scale their impact in economic, social, or environmental transformation.

These programs offer robust strategic and operational support to help change mindsets, expand inclusive businesses, and create a lasting value chain for society.

As part of the HEC Paris Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute, we are dedicated to amplifying the efforts of social entrepreneurs to drive structural changes and generate job creation. Our commitment ensures that women, social, and solidarity enterprises not only succeed but also lead the way in creating sustainable, financially independent, and inclusive growth.

Our programs

Accélérateur ESS

Format: Hybrid
Duration: 2 years
Language(s): French
Next start(s):
Place(s): Paris
HEC Stand Up - Program Card

HEC Stand Up

Format: Hybrid
Duration: 10 weeks
Language(s): French
Next start(s):
Cost: 0
Place(s): France
Visuel - Program Card - HEC UP


Format: Hybrid
Duration: 6 months
Language(s): French
Next start(s):
Cost: 0 €
Place(s): France

2023 Key Figures


organizations supported by our Accélérateur ESS

63M € 

in sales generated by our social and solidary structures


participants certified by the Stand Up program


Les 12 membres de la promotion 7 de l'Accélérateur ESS
12 social and solidarity economy organizations embark on a 24-month journey with the Accelerator ESS to boost growth and amplify impact.
Meet Up 2024 HEC Paris
One evening, a conference, and activities to create connections... This was the agenda for the very first "Meet Up," held on June 20, 2024, at the Fabrique République in Paris. The event, dedicated to the...
Dossier #1 Lieux Vignette
Third places, intergenerational micro-nurseries, affordable workspaces, shared housing... If innovating from a physical place seems to go against the grain of what most of the startups of our ecosystem...
F&R - IEC - News - Stand Up La Réunion 2023
Supporting women in Reunion Island who have entrepreneurial projects is what the HEC Stand Up program in Reunion is committed to offering! For the final module of the program, Nathalie Riond, the academic...
exposition steve fiehl
The HEC Stand Up program marked its 10th anniversary by inviting photographer Steve Fiehl (H88) to shoot a series of portraits of women whose passage at HEC helped them launch their entrepreneurial career...
Accelerateur Ile-de-France, laureats de la promotion 2
HEC Paris, together with the Ile de France region, supports the leaders of the up and coming companies in inclusive social entrepreneurship by offering them the benefit of a tailor-made programme to...
Our events
Jun 01
8:00 am


The S&O Institute is excited to host and celebrate the seventeenth Annual Research Conference of the Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS), a consortium of universities and individuals that serves as a professional society of scholars studying the interface between business and sustainability. Our Annual Research Conference brings together researchers from a variety of disciplinary and methodological perspectives who seek to advance the state of the field.



Papers Submissions
Jun 22
9:00 am

The S&O Institute of HEC Paris is pleased to announce the organization of the 17th edition of
the Medici Summer School in Management Studies, for doctoral students and young researchers, which will be held at HEC Paris campus, June 22 - 27, 2025.

The school is organized and sponsored by Bologna Business School (University of Bologna), HEC Paris (Sustainability & Organizations Institute), and MIT Sloan School of Management (Economic Sociology PhD Program).


Application Submission

Social Entrepreneurship Center Team

Hervé Angelini
Hervé Angelini
Chief Operating Officer
Nathalie Riond
Nathalie Riond
Pedagogical Director
Emma France
Director of Impact Development
Sarah-Noëlle Madani
Communication Officer