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Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute

12 Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations Join the SSE Accelerator

12 social and solidarity economy organizations embark on a 24-month journey with the Accelerator ESS to boost growth and amplify impact.

Les 12 membres de la promotion 7 de l'Accélérateur ESS

Since 2018, the Accelerator ESS, a Social and Solidary Economy Accelerator in France supported by Île-de-France Region and operated by HEC Paris through its Social Entrepreneurship Center, has empowered high-potential actors in the social and solidarity economy (SSE), helping them grow and amplify their impact. This year, twelve new organizations join the seventh cohort, ready to embark on an intensive 24-month journey!

Introducing the 12 work integration social enterprises of the SSE Accelerator (Cohort 7)

These twelve organizations now have two years to tackle their growth challenges and expand their impact.

The program launched with a kickoff seminar on November 5-6, 2024, on the HEC Paris campus. The event concluded with a friendly gathering, shared with Cohort 5 as they celebrated the end of their own acceleration journey, which began in 2022.

LogoOrganizationZip codeDescription
L'ACLEF logoL'ACLEF(75)Affordable and collective housing solutions for students.
au carré - the inclusive no code - logoAU CARRÉ(93)Training in digital professions and career guidance for marginalized groups.
Association Chlorophylle - Serving the environmentCHLOROPHYLLE(78)Maintenance of green spaces, urban cleanliness, and premises.
Colombbus - ParisCOLOMBBUS(75)Offers training and mediation in the digital sector to assist individuals in social integration.
Cygogne - Last-mile delivery - socially responsibleCYGOGNE(92)Specializing in logistics and sustainable mobility deliveries within the Île-de-France region.
Association ENERGIEENERGIE(93)Conducts civic projects in Seine-Saint-Denis and is a member of the group "Les Enjeux de l'utilité sociale", a laureate of the JOP 2024 competition.
ETIC - Foncièrement Responsable, for and by the SSE in FranceETIC(75)Manages sustainable working spaces and community hubs designed for social and solidarity economy organizations.
Grandir Aventure - Club Ville et Entreprises - Noisy-Le-GrandGRANDIR AVENTURE(93)Operates as an agency for equitable and solidary vacations for young people.
logo La Table du RECHOLA TABLE DU RECHO(75)Restaurant and catering providing training and integration support for refugees in culinary professions.
La maison de la Conversation, association SSEMAISON DE LA CONVERSATION(75)Shared space for creating and hosting forums and events for citizens and professionals.
Making WavesMAKING WAVES(93)A radio production studio dedicated to social solidarity and inclusion.
Ressources & Vous - Commune de Saint-Arnoult-en-YvelinesRESSOURCES & VOUS(78)A committed network of recycling centers focused on waste reduction and social inclusion initiatives.


Driving Excellence in the Social and Solidary Economy Sector

The Accelerator ESS is a tailor-made program designed to help each organization scale its solutions, based on three core pillars:

  1. Mentorship and Customized Advisory: From the outset, leaders receive a precise diagnosis of their needs and a tailored roadmap. Supported by HEC experts and committed students, each organization benefits from comprehensive guidance to meet growth challenges.
  2. Training and Masterclasses: Faculty-led masterclasses cover essential topics such as impact measurement and governance. Collective immersive experiences complement this component,
  3. Networking and Community: Joining the ESS Accelerator means becoming part of a collective. Peer exchanges foster mutual support and inspiration, creating a true community of SSE leaders.

Through the ESS Accelerator, Île-de-France Region and HEC Paris demonstrate their solid commitment to a fairer, more inclusive economy.

Read the press release