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HEC Foundation

Thank you to the companies for their support

In these complicated times, we would like express our gratitude for the commitment of our corporate partners and the renewal of their aid. The precious support of these companies funds research Chairs, Corporate Initiatives and aid for development projects we have developed together.


Our sincere thanks to the 14 companies who have renewed their commitment to HEC Paris and its Foundation for their outstanding support.

•    KERING, “Luxury” chair, under the direction of Professors Kristine De Valck and Patrick Albaladejo
•    BNP Paribas, “Corporate Finance” chair, under the direction of Professor Pascal Quiry
•    LVMH, chair with a new theme: "Engagement and Commitment Towards Society Inspiring Excellence", under the direction of Professor Anne Michaut
•    ODDO BHF, “Financial Analysis” chair, under the direction of Professor Alexei Ovtchinnikov
•    Danone, Schneider Electric and Renault have renewed their commitment to the Society & Organizations Institute to pursue their engagement in the Inclusive Economy. 
•    Michelin, Allen & Overy, Accenture, Bain&Co, PwC, and BCG have renewed their engagement.

Our thanks also to Bouygues, who created the “Smart City and Common Good” chair, under the direction of Professor Bertrand Quelin at the Society & Organizations Institute.

And not forgetting all the other companies who have been actively at our side for many years.

On top of the invaluable financial aid for a public interest non-profit institution, and the commitment of teams in accomplishing all the School’s projects, this corporate engagement is decisive in the production of game-changing research and to educate students in the best possible conditions, so that they can become the change-makers of the future.

More information on the commitment of the companies


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