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Bertrand QUELIN


Strategy and Business Policy

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Bertrand Quélin is a full professor at HEC Paris. He is a member of the Strategy and Business Policy Department. He was the holder of the Bouygues-HEC Paris chair entitled "Smart City and the Common Good" from 2020 to 2023.

Bertrand Quélin received his PhD in economics from the University of Paris. His research focuses on organizational economics, transaction cost economics and public-private partnerships.

He is the author and co-author of several articles published in international journals, including: Academy of Management Perspectives, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceJournal of Management StudiesManagement Science, Organization Science, Research Policy, Strategic Organization... and numerous chapters in collective works.

In parallel to his research activities, he took positions during his academic career.

  • Associate Dean for the HEC Ph.D. program (1999-2005).
  • Academic Director of the HEC MSc in Strategic Management (From 1994 to 1999, then from 2006 to 2012).
  • Head of the HEC Strategy and Business Policy department (From 2013 to 2018).

He has been twice (1996, and then 2005) Visiting Research Scholar at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, and Visiting Professor at Insper (São Paulo - Brazil) in 2012.

He was a regular Visiting Professor at the Fundação Getulio Vargas (EBAPE - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) (2012-2019).

He has taught in different countries within and outside Europe [Europe, Vietnam, Brazil, in Middle East (Lebanon, Qatar and Saudi Arabia) and in Africa (Congo, Gabon, the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia)], both at the graduate and executive education levels.

Scientific articles

How do firms value sales career paths?

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2024, vol. 52, pp 762-788, (in coll. with A. KESHAVARZA, D. ROUZIES, F. KRAMARZ, M. SEGALLA)

The Governance of Nonprofits and Their Social Impact: Evidence from a Randomized Program in Healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Management Science, May 2024, vol. 70, n° 5, pp 2732–2755, (in coll. with A. FANGWA, C. FLAMMER, M. HUYSENTRUYT)

Building Sustainable and Stable Global Value Chains: Case Study of Morocco

Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 6 February 2023, vol. 23, n° B1, pp 1-13, (in coll. with A. AMACHRAA)

Do stakeholder orientation and environmental pro-activity impact firm profitability?

Journal of Business Ethics, aout 2019, vol. 158, n° 1, pp 25-46, (in coll. with F. BRULHART, S. GHERRA)

The private scope in public-private collaborations: an institutional and capability-based perspective

Organization Science, July-August 2019, vol. 30, n° 4, pp 831-846, (in coll. with S. CABRAL, S. LAZZARINI, I. KIVLENIECE)

Public-Private Collaboration, Hybridity and Social Value: Towards New Theoretical Perspectives

Journal of Management Studies, September 2017, vol. 54, n° 6, pp 763-792, (in coll. with I. KIVLENIECE, S. LAZZARINI)

Outsourcing Failure and Reintegration: The Influence of Contractual and External Factors

Long Range Planning, february, 3 2014, vol. 47, n° 6, pp 365–378, (in coll. with S. CABRAL, W. MAIA)

Network ties and absorptive capacity for learning and decision-making

Journal of Decision Systems, January 2014, vol. 23, n° 1, pp 4-23, (in coll. with N. KHACHLOUF, R. SOPARNOT)

International Expansion, Diversification and Regulated Firm Nonmarket Strategy

Managerial and Decision Economics, September 2013, vol. 34, n° 6, pp 379-396, (in coll. with S. Urbiztondo, J. Bonardi)

Decentralization and contracting out: A new pattern for internal and external boundaries of the firm

European Management Journal, february, 3 2013, vol. 31, n° 6, pp 602-612, (in coll. with G. Chanson)


Smart Cities -The sustainable program of six leading cities

HEC Paris (in coll. with I. SMADJA )

Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise

Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )

Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise

Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )

Perspectives en management stratégique

Editions Management & Société (in coll. with L. Mezghani )

Les frontières de la firme

Editions Economica

Le management stratégique des compétences

Ellipses (in coll. with J. Arrègle )

Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise

Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )

Chapters in edited books

Service Outsourcing: Delineating the Scope of the Firm

Elgar Encyclopedia Of Services, Faïz Gallouj, Camal Gallouj, Marie-Christine Monnoyer, Luis Rubalcaba, Markus Scheuer, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2

Une amoureuse des humains et de la recherche perdue parmi les gestionnaires

L'Humaniste Passionnée Par Le Terrain, EMS Editions, 6 , 220-223

Multiple Partners in Public–Private Collaborations: Negotiating, Structuring and Governing Partnerships

Frontiers Of Strategic Alliance Research: Negotiating, Structuring And Governing Partnerships, Farok J. Contractor, Jeffrey J. Reuer, Cambridge University Press, 11 , 472-486

Public-private collaboration: a review and avenues for further research

Collaborative Strategy: Critical Issues For Alliances And Networks, Luiz F. Mesquita, Arizona State University, Roberto Ragozzino, University of Tennessee at Knoxville and Jeffrey J. Reuer, University of Colorado, US, Edward Elgar Publishing, VI , 224-233

Does Regulation Impact the Entry in a Mature Regulated Industry? An Econometric Analysis of MVNOs

Telecommunication Markets: Drivers And Impediments, P. Curwen, J. Haucap, B. Preissl (eds), Springer Verlag, 283-305

Lanalyse fondée sur les ressources et les compétences

Le Management : Fondements Et Renouvellements, G. Schmidt (Ed.), Editions Sciences Humaines, 29-41

Oliver Eaton Williamson - L'organisation : Un choix stratégique fondamental

Les Grands Auteurs En Stratégie, T. Loilier, A. Tellier, EMS Management et Sociétés

Outsourcing, offshoring : des modèles d'affaires bouleversés

L'Art Du Management 3, HEC Paris, Dunod, 31-35

La stratégie : du discours à sa formation

Perspectives En Management Stratégique, L. Mezghani, B. Quélin (Eds), Editions Management & Société, 11-15

Dynamic Competition and Development of New Competencies - The Case of the Internet Consulting Industry

Enhancing Inter-Firm Networks And Interorganizational Strategies, A. F. Buono (Ed.), Information Age Publishing, 137-166


Resource Scarcity and Stakeholder Heterogeneity: Determinants of Collective Action

2024 , 2024 , Chicago , 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 1 (M. LEGRAND)

Who Selects into Politically (Un) Constrained Contexts? Theory and Evidence from Aid Intermediaries

2024 , 2024 , Chicago , 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 1 (Y. Zhuang, M. HUYSENTRUYT)

Theoretical Advances in Stakeholder Governance

AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings 2023 , 2023 , Boston , 2023 , 1 (P. Vishwanathan, J. B. Barney, S. C. Bacq, J. T. Mahoney)

Big Picture Thinking in Small Pieces: Disentangling the Multi-Partner Collaboration

2022 AOM Conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (S. M. HOSSEINI)

Working papers

Enforcement Costs as a measure of Performance: An Assessment of Contractual Governance in Context of Opportunism

Mimeo , 2010

International expansion, diversification and regulated firms nonmarket strategy

Mimeo , 2008

Regulation, Multinational Firms and Performance: the European Telecommunications Mobile Industry

Mimeo , 2008

Inter-Organizational Communities of Practice: Specificities and Stakes

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2006

Investment Timing and the Benefits of Using Real Options: A Case Study in the Telecommunications Industry

Mimeo , 2006

Mode of Entry into a New Market: Does the Timing of Entry and/or Effect of Innovation on Competencies Matter ?

Mimeo , 2006

Innovation, New Market and Governance Choices of Entry: The Internet Brokerage Market Case

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2004

Three Types of Specificity, Outsourcing and Complexity of Contracts: An Empirical Model

Mimeo , 2004

Case Studies

Scientific articles

How do firms value sales career paths?

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2024, vol. 52, pp 762-788, (in coll. with A. KESHAVARZA, D. ROUZIES, F. KRAMARZ, M. SEGALLA)

The Governance of Nonprofits and Their Social Impact: Evidence from a Randomized Program in Healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Management Science, May 2024, vol. 70, n° 5, pp 2732–2755, (in coll. with A. FANGWA, C. FLAMMER, M. HUYSENTRUYT)

Building Sustainable and Stable Global Value Chains: Case Study of Morocco

Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 6 February 2023, vol. 23, n° B1, pp 1-13, (in coll. with A. AMACHRAA)

Do stakeholder orientation and environmental pro-activity impact firm profitability?

Journal of Business Ethics, aout 2019, vol. 158, n° 1, pp 25-46, (in coll. with F. BRULHART, S. GHERRA)


Smart Cities -The sustainable program of six leading cities

HEC Paris (in coll. with I. SMADJA )

Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise

Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )

Stratégie, structure, décision, identité : politique générale d'entreprise

Dunod (in coll. with les membres du département Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise, sous le pseudonyme de "Strategor" )

Perspectives en management stratégique

Editions Management & Société (in coll. with L. Mezghani )

Chapters in edited books

Service Outsourcing: Delineating the Scope of the Firm

Elgar Encyclopedia Of Services, Faïz Gallouj, Camal Gallouj, Marie-Christine Monnoyer, Luis Rubalcaba, Markus Scheuer, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2

Une amoureuse des humains et de la recherche perdue parmi les gestionnaires

L'Humaniste Passionnée Par Le Terrain, EMS Editions, 6 , 220-223

Multiple Partners in Public–Private Collaborations: Negotiating, Structuring and Governing Partnerships

Frontiers Of Strategic Alliance Research: Negotiating, Structuring And Governing Partnerships, Farok J. Contractor, Jeffrey J. Reuer, Cambridge University Press, 11 , 472-486

Public-private collaboration: a review and avenues for further research

Collaborative Strategy: Critical Issues For Alliances And Networks, Luiz F. Mesquita, Arizona State University, Roberto Ragozzino, University of Tennessee at Knoxville and Jeffrey J. Reuer, University of Colorado, US, Edward Elgar Publishing, VI , 224-233


Resource Scarcity and Stakeholder Heterogeneity: Determinants of Collective Action

2024 , 2024 , Chicago , 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 1 (M. LEGRAND)

Who Selects into Politically (Un) Constrained Contexts? Theory and Evidence from Aid Intermediaries

2024 , 2024 , Chicago , 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 1 (Y. Zhuang, M. HUYSENTRUYT)

Theoretical Advances in Stakeholder Governance

AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings 2023 , 2023 , Boston , 2023 , 1 (P. Vishwanathan, J. B. Barney, S. C. Bacq, J. T. Mahoney)

Big Picture Thinking in Small Pieces: Disentangling the Multi-Partner Collaboration

2022 AOM Conference , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (S. M. HOSSEINI)

Working papers

Enforcement Costs as a measure of Performance: An Assessment of Contractual Governance in Context of Opportunism

Mimeo , 2010

International expansion, diversification and regulated firms nonmarket strategy

Mimeo , 2008

Case Studies


  • Qualifying Degree for research supervision (HDR), Economics, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Paris XIII - France
  • Doctorate, Economics, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Paris XIII - France
  • MSc in Economics and Finance, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord - Paris XIII - France
  • Master in Economics, Université de Rennes - France

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2020-2023 Bouygues Chair Holder, in Smart City and the Common Good HEC Paris
  • 2006-2012 Academic Director - MSc Strategic Management HEC Paris
  • 2008- Member, Society & Organization HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • President sortant de l'AIMS
  • President en exercice de l'AIMS.
  • President-entrant, en exercice puis sortant du Conseil Scientifique Permanent de l'Association Internationale de Management Strategique (AIMS)
  • Membre du Groupement de Recherche CNRS n 20 en Economie Industrielle
  • Member, Academy of Management
  • Member, Strategic Management Society
  • Member, International Telecommunication Society
  • Member, Association Internationale de Management Strategique
  • Member, International Society of New Institutional Economics
  • Membre du Conseil scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale ENSAM-HEC-IAE/Universite Paris I Sorbonne
  • Expert aupres de la Commission nationale d'evaluation des formations en gestion (dite commission Helfer)
  • Membre du Conseil scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale ecole SOFT/Universite Versailles Saint-Quentin

Editorial activities

  • 2004-2010 Member, Comite de selection du meilleur papier de la conference de la SMS
  • June 2003 Editor, Special issue, "Externalisation et relations partenariales", Revue Francaise de Gestion, n 144
  • July-September 1995 Editor, Special issue "Choix technologiques et alliances dans le multimedia" Communications Strategies, n 19
  • Member, Scientific Committee, Communications Strategies
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Global Strategy Journal
  • Reviewer, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Long Range Planning, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, M@n@gement, Economie Rurale, European Management Review, Management International, Research Policy, Scandinavian Journal of Management (SJM), Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Revue Francaise de Gestion (RFG), Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration (RCSA), Journal of Management Studies (JMS)
  • Member, Editorial Committee, M@n@gement, Journal of Management Studies
  • Reviewer: Academy of Management Annual Conference, Annual Conference - Strategic Management Society, Annual Conference - AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Strategique)

  • Conference organisation

  • 2014-2014 Co-organizer, SMS 2014 Madrid Conference Extensions > Extension 4: Paris - Public-Private Governance, Social Value and Innovative Organizational Design
  • 2007- Membre du Comité Scientifique, Les colloques du PESOR "Management des entreprises innovantes à l'heure des pôles de compétitivité", Faculté Jean Monnet, Sceaux
  • 2005-2005 Membre du Comité Scientifique du 3e Congrès de l'ADERSE (Association pour le Développement de l'enseignement et de la Recherche sur la Responsabilité Sociale de l'Entreprise), Lyon
  • 2005-2005 Organisation de l'International Workshop 'Inter-Organizational Communities of Practice'
  • 2005-2005 Organisation du symposium "The Inter-Organizational Communities of Practice (IOCoPs): New Insights and Knowledge Strategies", symposium co-sponsorisé par les divisions BPS et OMT, Academy of Management Conference, Hawaii
  • 2003-2003 Responsable de la Table Ronde sur "L'économie des coûts de transaction et les sciences de gestion", Conférence annuelle de l'AIMS, Tunis
  • 2003-2003 Responsable du Séminaire doctoral, Conférence de l'AIMS, Tunis
  • 1992-1992 Membre du Comité Scientifique des 14e Journées Internationales de l'IDATE : "Les alliances stratégiques", Montpellier
  • Awards & honors

    • 2021 Best Developmental Reviewers (AMR)
    • 2020 Bouygues Chair Professor in Smart City and the Common Good
    • 2018 SIOE Best Poster Award
    • 2017 Prix AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Strategique) du meilleur article theorique pour "Experimenting business models with network effects: a real options perspective" de Charlotte Krychowski, Bertrand Quelin Bulat Sandito
    • 2012 Strategy Research Foundation Recipient (Strategic Management Society)