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Management & Human Resources

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Julien Jourdan is a (Full) Professor of Management and Human Resources at HEC Paris. He teaches management and leadership in the PhD, MSc, and MBA programs.

His research focuses on reputation, legitimacy, and other social evaluations of organizations. He examines how a) stakeholders evaluate organizations in institutionally complex environments and b) how these evaluations shape organizational conduct, strategy, and performance. His work is published in academic journals including American Journal of Sociology, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, and Strategy Science.

He was awarded the HEC Best Dissertation prize and was finalist for the Grigor McClelland Dissertation, Industry Studies Association and AoM International Dissertation awards. His article on the consequences of scandals on organizational competition was finalist for Academy of Management Journal Best Paper.

He is also a Research Associate at Imperial College London. He previously held academic positions at Bocconi University and PSL-Paris Dauphine. A former finance executive at a major film studio, he has retained a strong interest in creative industries.

Scientific articles

The Publicization of Organizational Misconduct: A Social Structural Approach

Academy of Management Journal, April 2024, vol. 67, n° 2, pp 468-493, (in coll. with A. Piazza)

Scandal as Moral Interaction: Towards A New Perspective on the Publicization of Organizational Misconduct

Research in the Sociology of Organizations, July 2023, vol. 84, pp 73-93,

A New Take on the Categorical Imperative: Gatekeeping, Boundary Maintenance, and Evaluation Penalties in Science

Organization Science, May-June 2023, vol. 34, n° 3, pp 1090-1110, (in coll. with R. FINI, M. PERKMANN, L. TOSCHI)

When the Dust Settles: The Consequences of Scandals for Organizational Competition

Academy of Management Journal, February 2018, vol. 61, n° 1, pp 165-190, (in coll. with A. PIAZZA)

Institutional Specialization and Survival: Theory and Evidence from the French Film Industry

Strategy Science, June 2018, vol. 3, n° 2, pp 408-425,

Social Valuation Across Multiple Audiences: The Interplay of Ability and Identity Judgments

Academy of Management Journal, December 2018, vol. 61, n° 6, pp 2230-2264, (in coll. with R. FINI, M. PERKMANN)

Too Much of a Good Thing? The Dual Effect of Public Sponsorship on Organizational Performance

Academy of Management Journal, February 2017, vol. 60, n° 1, pp 55-77, (in coll. with I. Kivleniece)

The Price of Admission: Organizational Deference as Strategic Behavior

American Journal of Sociology, July 2017, vol. 123, n° 1, pp 232-275, (in coll. with R. DURAND, P. THORNTON)

Jules or Jim: Alternative conformity to minority logics

Academy of Management Journal, february, 3 2012, vol. 55, n° 6, pp 1295-1315, (in coll. with R. DURAND)

Chapters in edited books

The Institutional Footprint of Organizations

Materiality In Institutions - Spaces, Embodiment And Technology In Management And Organization, F-X. de Vaujany, A. Adrot, E. Boxenbaum, B. Leca, Palgrave Macmillan, 53-72

Institutional Logics as Strategic Resources

Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, M. Lounsbry, E. Boxenbaum, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Institutional Logics in Action , 165-201


Innovation, Breakthroughs & Disruptive Knowledge: Evidence from Science & Scientists

84th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting , 2024 , Chicago , 1 (P. BLIOT, M. A. BIKARD, J. LANE, ET AL.)

Working papers

Institutional Logics as Strategic Resources

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2013

Scientific articles

The Publicization of Organizational Misconduct: A Social Structural Approach

Academy of Management Journal, April 2024, vol. 67, n° 2, pp 468-493, (in coll. with A. Piazza)

A New Take on the Categorical Imperative: Gatekeeping, Boundary Maintenance, and Evaluation Penalties in Science

Organization Science, May-June 2023, vol. 34, n° 3, pp 1090-1110, (in coll. with R. FINI, M. PERKMANN, L. TOSCHI)

Scandal as Moral Interaction: Towards A New Perspective on the Publicization of Organizational Misconduct

Research in the Sociology of Organizations, July 2023, vol. 84, pp 73-93,

Institutional Specialization and Survival: Theory and Evidence from the French Film Industry

Strategy Science, June 2018, vol. 3, n° 2, pp 408-425,

Chapters in edited books

The Institutional Footprint of Organizations

Materiality In Institutions - Spaces, Embodiment And Technology In Management And Organization, F-X. de Vaujany, A. Adrot, E. Boxenbaum, B. Leca, Palgrave Macmillan, 53-72

Institutional Logics as Strategic Resources

Research In The Sociology Of Organizations, M. Lounsbry, E. Boxenbaum, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Institutional Logics in Action , 165-201


Innovation, Breakthroughs & Disruptive Knowledge: Evidence from Science & Scientists

84th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting , 2024 , Chicago , 1 (P. BLIOT, M. A. BIKARD, J. LANE, ET AL.)

Working papers

Institutional Logics as Strategic Resources

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2013


  • Ph.D. in Management Science, HEC Paris - France

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2025- Professor HEC Paris
  • 2020-2025 Associate Professor HEC Paris
  • 2024- Department Head, Management and Human Resources HEC Paris
  • 2020- Member of GREGHEC, the joint research laboratory CNRS-HEC Paris HEC Paris

External Academic Responsibilities

  • 2016-2020 Professor Université Paris Dauphine
  • 2019-2019 Visiting professor Imperial College London
  • 2012-2016 Assistant Professor Bocconi University

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member of : Academy of Management (OMT and BPS), Strategic Management Society, European Group for Organization Science