Brian Hill is awarded the CNRS 2014 Bronze Medal for Research on Decision Science
Brian Hill, affiliate professor at the Economics and Decision Science department, has been awarded the Bronze medal by France’s national research institute CNRS. A talented specialist in his field, this award recognizes Brian Hill’s first research work.

Investing in a country at risk? Regulating the development of GMOs or nanotechnology? Acting and deciding whilst taking climate issues into account? Behind all of these is one major question: how should we make a decision in a situation of extreme uncertainty? This is the subject of Brian Hill’s research.
His current research is on the treatment and uncertainty of decision making and in particular, on the notion of trust, the analysis of indecision and the coherence between decisions and time. He works on conditionals and the dynamic of beliefs, preferences and awareness.
Hill, of Scottish origin, is a graduate of the University of Cambridge and Paris VII. He studied maths, logic and philosophy and completed his doctorate in Philosophy in 2006 at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. A CNRS researcher, he is currently an affiliate professor at HEC Paris where he teaches decision, logic and philosophy as part of the Master in Management program.
Read more about Brian Hill