Armin Steinbach and a group of economists and lawyers propose blueprint for reforming Europe
A team of leading economists and lawyers specialising in EU affairs propose an ambitious yet feasible blueprint for reforming the European macroeconomic policy system in a CEPR Policy Insight.

The authors highlight three key policy fields for reform: the relationship between the monetary
and the fiscal pillar, the fiscal rules themselves and the legacy of the Next Generation EU initiative. In each case, the state of the policy architecture is examined, proposals for reforms are made and the corresponding legal requirements are assessed.
The authors are Miguel Maduro (European University Institute and Católica Global Law School), Philippe Martin (Sciences Po and CEPR), Jean-Claude Piris (Piris Consulting), Jean Pisani-Ferry (European University Institute, Bruegel, PIIE and CEPR), Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School and CEPR), Armin Steinbach (HEC Paris), and Beatrice Weder di Mauro of Graduate Institute, Geneva, Emerging Markets Institute, INSEAD and CEPR.
The authors published their proposal in op-eds published in Le Monde (in French) and in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (in German).
Find more insights by Professor Armin Steinbach on Knowledge@HEC.