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Athanassios Gatsis

Summer Student Story

Athanassios Gatsis

Corporate Finance

Athanassios Gatsis

We are now able to read financial statements as a second language!

When I decided to do a corporate finance summer school, HEC stood out for having the ideal program I was looking for. Having an international profile, I am constantly seeking opportunities to broaden my horizons and acquire new skills. Personal growth, commitment and open-mindedness are the values that guided me into choosing this academic program.
Aspiring to become a corporate lawyer in the future I needed a solid and in-depth course on finance. That is why this program aligned perfectly with my ambition to combine finance and law as well as preparing me for my last year of my bachelor. We are now able to read financial statements as a second language! 
The professor was very good, and I really liked his way of teaching. Instead of staying on a theoretical teaching method, we were exposed to actual cases such as investment opportunities in existing companies and the financial risks of emerging businesses, and we worked on practical exercises which made us assimilate better and more efficiently the notions. The guest speakers were also amazing and I was very enthusiastic about their lectures. The fact of sharing with like-minded individuals and working together has significantly enhanced my ability to analyze complex business scenarios.
The program's emphasis on teamwork molded my leadership and critical thinking as well as interpersonal skills. I believe that this made me a more adaptable person. The most challenging part was the intensity of the coursework and the timed exercises to do. However, the sense of accomplishment I felt upon successfully completing complex projects and collaborating with diverse teams was truly gratifying. 
No matter what field you want to excel in, this corporate finance course is crucial for you. The opportunity to learn from industry experts can provide a transformative learning experience. This program is suitable for everyone wishing to enhance their finance skills and have a competitive edge.
I am grateful for this experience and for everything it gave me; being a part of the HEC community is a pleasure. I am also more than excited to use all the insights gained to have a real impact on my future.


For more information on the Summer Program Corporate Finance