Anna Jacob
Summer Student Story

I recognize a remarkable transformation: from a slightly uncertain candidate to a confident summer school alumna, now assured in my Master’s application and with a clear vision of what my future at HEC could hold.
The Passion for Sustainability
Imagine standing in Times Square, New York, surrounded by the dazzling lights and endless advertisements, and then, just weeks later, encountering those same products polluting the rivers of Mexico during volunteer work. This stark contrast is what sparked my deep-rooted passion for sustainability. Hi, my name is Anna, and I am a driven individual with a clear goal: to lead meaningful change toward a more sustainable future.
The Journey to HEC Paris
Motivated by that eye-opening experience, I realized that achieving meaningful change would require both the right education and a strong network — resources that only a Master’s degree at a top business school could provide. This led me to discover the Sustainability and Social Innovation (SASI) program at HEC Paris. As an International Business Administration student from a small university in Germany, where the network opportunities are limited, I knew I had to take proactive steps to shape my academic journey. This determination brought me to a recruiting event where I met one of the HEC Recruitment Managers who encouraged me to explore their summer programs as a next step to discovering the HEC campus and pedagogy. Her support was instrumental — not only did she answer all my questions with great care, she also enabled me to realize my full potential. Shortly thereafter, I applied and was accepted into the HEC Paris Summer Program in Sustainability Marketing, ready to take the next step toward the SASI program.
The Transformation
The experience at the summer school greatly exceeded my expectations. Guided by the inspiring Michelle Greenwald, I fully engaged in her practice-oriented, highly interactive classes filled with real-world examples. One of the program’s highlights was applying the theoretical concepts directly to our team projects. My team, composed of students from China, France, Afghanistan and Germany, each with different academic backgrounds, developed an innovative concept: rescuing imperfect fruits and vegetables from supermarket shelves and transforming them into delicious smoothies, which would be dispensed through vending machines. This project not only allowed us to create a comprehensive marketing plan but also highlighted the incredible diversity and richness of the student cohort. The program was intensive and demanded a careful balance of assignments, teamwork, and participation in offered free-time activities. Yet, it was equally rewarding, offering an invaluable glimpse into what studying on campus at HEC would be like while seamlessly immersing me in the HEC community.
The Impact
Moreover, this experience significantly boosted my self-confidence. I discovered that I could not only thrive in a highly diverse environment but also keep pace with students from prestigious institutions worldwide. Another key lesson was recognizing the importance of being in an engaging and supportive environment for personal growth, surrounded by ambitious peers and mentors. I came to understand that such an environment is undeniably worth the investment, even though in Germany, the mindset often leans toward expecting education for free. Reflecting on my summer school experience, I recognize a remarkable transformation: from a slightly uncertain candidate on recruitment day to a confident summer school alumna, now assured in my Master’s application and with a clear vision of what my future at HEC could hold.
A Final Thought
Are you curious about what a Master’s degree at HEC Paris could offer? Or perhaps you are searching for an international experience that is not just educational but truly impactful? If this resonates with you, I highly recommend the HEC Paris Summer School. For me, it was a pivotal experience, and it could be just as transformative for you.
For more information on our Summer Programs