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Elyse Michaels-Berger

Elyse Michaels-Berger

Elyse Michaels-Berger serves as Director of Youth and Summer Programs at HEC Paris. Both as an executive coach and as a youth coach, Elyse is enthusiastic about inspiring leaders of all ages.

Elyse’s current role as Director of the Summer School and Youth Programs builds on her previous experience at HEC, where she has served as HEC MBA Academic Director and earlier HEC MBA Development Manager.  Prior to HEC, Elyse worked as a consultant with Accenture, where she specialized in executive coaching, leadership development, e-learning, training and organizational design for businesses in diverse industries.

Elyse obtained her Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology from Columbia University Teachers College, and MBA from ESSEC.  Elyse is certified as an ACC (Associate Certified Coach) by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and as a CPCC (Professional Co-active Coach) by the Coactive Training Institute. Elyse earned the Global Executive Coaching Certificate from the HEC Paris Executive Education School of Coaching.

As a graduate of Princeton University, Elyse serves as co-president of the Alumni Association of Princeton University in France. She co-chairs the Princeton University Summer Service Fund which promotes global student service projects. Elyse regularly facilitates bilingual (French and English) leadership development, creativity and mental fitness workshops for educators, youth, enterprises, and non-profit organizations. She has regularly been invited as a guest lecturer in educational leadership at the NYU (New York University) Steinhardt School of Education.