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HEC UK Masterclass with Professor Olivier Sibony in London

The HEC UK office organized a fascinating Masterclass on October 12, 2021, with Olivier Sibony, Professor of Strategy and Business Policy at HEC Paris, about NOISE: A Flaw in Human Judgment.

"About noise" with Olivier Sibony in London

This Masterclass was HEC UK’s first hybrid event and took place in the elegant Art Deco Listed Library‘s room of the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni. Professor Olivier Sibony talked to an audience of 150+ people, in person and on zoom, about NOISE, his last New York times book bestseller co-written with Daniel Kahneman and Cass R. Sunstein, and decision making:

  • What is noise?
  • How does noise impact decisions which should not be variable decisions?
  • What are the influences behind our decision-making? 
  • What leads us to make the wrong judgments?


masterclass with olivier sibony (2)


The masterclass was followed by a Q&A and ended up with networking drinks for the participants who attended the conference in person. Hence, the attendees had the privilege to exchange exclusively with Olivier Sibony and meet other Alumni who were thrilled to be back in physical events.

“ I read [Olivier Sibony’s] book, and I still learned a lot hearing from a professor about the different studies that he made.”

“ It’s great to meet people in real life and have drinks and canapés with everyone! ”

“ I am looking forward to more in-person from HEC UK, meeting people and socialising is superb.”

“ Thank you to the HEC in the UK ?? team for organising such an interesting (in person !) event last night, and to Olivier Sibony for making the trip to London to talk about his book #Noise! One of my top reads this summer! "

" Building on fascinating research by Daniel Kahneman, Cass Sustein and Olivier Sibony himself, it’s a must read for anyone interested in cognitive psychology and decision sciences. And anyone who wants to reflect and improve on their decision-making and contribution to organisations! ”  from Alexia Tanguy (H.10)

A huge thank you to Olivier Sibony for this insightful presentation in London.

Learn more about Olivier Sibony’s work and research.

Learn more about the HEC UK Representative office.

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