Elsa Colonna

The double degree was an extraordinary opportunity to study a wide breadth of highly engaging topics: political systems, international relations, legal and economic foundations of politics... They were complementary to the business disciplines and fed my interest in the public sector a great deal.
I studied Political Sciences in Berlin in 2011-12 thanks to the HEC Paris - FU Berlin double degree, at the end of the Grande Ecole program. The double degree was an extraordinary opportunity to study a wide breadth of highly engaging topics: political systems, international relations, legal and economic foundations of politics… They were complementary to the business disciplines and fed my interest in the public sector a great deal.
The FU lectures were very interactive with international and German students of all ages. I was proud to improve my German by a long way - so much so, that I could even write my dissertation in German back then. The high academic requirements and standards I experienced are still of use today in my professional life in the energy sector in the UK today, and in my academic life too: maybe good academic years like this make us want to study more throughout our lives!