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Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute

The winners of the 2019-1 HEC Challenge + batch

On November 14th, the FORUM HEC CHALLENGE + took place on the HEC Paris campus. This event marked the closing of the 2019-1 promotion

HEC Challenge Plus 2019-1

On this occasion, many entrepreneurs presented their project and answered questions from the jury chaired by Jean-Luc Neyraut, Deputy Director General at the Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He had the pleasure of awarding the prize for the Best Business Plan of the 2019-1 promotion to three winners:

Remise du prix - Jean-Luc Neyraut

The 1st prize of the 2019-1 HEC Challenge Plus Business Plan was won by GRAPHEAL, care assistant for chronic wound healing, co-founded by Vincent Bouchiat and Antoine Bourrier.

The 2nd prize of the 2019-1 HEC Challenge Plus Business Plan went to the TISSUTAINER (Diagante), a project, that secures the biological diagnosis of osteoarticular infections, co-founded by Martin Rottman & Cécile Chevalier-Rottman.

Jade Guyenne, co-founder of ELIMAJE, connected screening tests, finally won the 3rd prize in the 2019-1 Business Plan of HEC Challenge Plus.

You are an entrepreneur developing or running an innovative project? The HEC Challenge Plus programme offers support and personalised assistance to get your project off the ground. Elaboration of your business plan, advice and personalized follow-up, this training will allow you to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship in complete serenity! 

Applications for the next HEC Challenge Plus promotions are already open! For more information, please contact Corinne Delombre at


La promotion 2019-1