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Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute

Welcome to the Incubateur HEC Paris new startups!

Every year, the spring season marks the beginning of a new era, especially for entrepreneurs... And for a good reason: April marks the start of the new batch of the Incubateur HEC Paris, which gathers twelve young startups eager to accelerate the development of their projects for this '2022 Spring Batch'.

Incubateur HEC Paris - Spring Fall 2022

Welcomed to Station F on Thursday, April 7 by Antoine Leprêtre, Director of the Incubateur HEC Paris, the new incubees benefit from as much time and resources as they want to transform their project into a flourishing business. This new batch is represented in the medical, education, real estate, agri-food and sustainable development sectors. 

Here is an overview of the twelve startups selected:

Alceli Proton Therapy has developed an innovative technology that delivers proton therapy - an advanced form of radiation therapy that treats cancer without side effects - at a more accessible cost to the patient, which does not require expensive specialized buildings, and that does not produce radioactive waste, the main obstacles to its current use.

Wiink is a community marketing tool that allows brands to build their own community of ambassadors, on order to scale peer-to-peer advertising by increasing market voice, engagement and social conversion.. 

Jamble is a marketplace for second-hand, mostly vintage and streetwear clothing, based on video curation. (soon to become Eco-learn provides skills, knowledge and mindset to empower professionals to transform their carrer or company toward sustainability.

Kaptcher revolutionizes real estate prospecting by connecting the right owner with the right real estate professional. 

Pitch and Rise is a digital platform that builds indicators of economic dynamism for entrepreneurial projects and start-ups, based on the evaluation and permanent monitoring of their economic development, in a collaborative manner.
Tikino is developing a projector for 3-8 year olds, combined with a digital library of slowly animated content, with the aim of taking full advantage of the power of images without the drawbacks of electronic screens. 
Fingreen AI leverages data and explainable AI to build hyper-custom ESG solutions. Its 360° intelligence solution provides transparent and tailored modules covering ESG data analytics and risk management needs.
Alpagga is the first BtoB marketplace that offers services adapted to the constraints of agri-food professionals aspires to design tomorrow's bio-factories that help produce better and cheaper biopharmaceuticals
NEO propose healthy snack by revisiting fruits and vegetables to provide them maximum convenience
Salwa Petersen offers a premium lifestyle brand blending the very best of African beauty and wellness rituals with modern green science; as well as breakthrough products to modern women & men all over the world.


These twelve startups are full of determination and have joined the list of 158 startups currently supported by the Incubateur HEC Paris. 

If just like them, you wish to benefit from our support program to accelerate your entrepreneurial project, don't miss the next call for applications for the 2022 fall session.