The H09 class committed to the Impact tomorrow campaign
Under the leadership of its delegate Julien Lacaze, the class of 2009 has set itself the goal of raising €500,000 in pledges from 100 donors by 2024 to support the School at a key moment in its development.

Tenth anniversary of the H.09 class / September 2019 ©V Blocquaux
To mark the 10th anniversary of their class, Julien Lacaze (H.09) and the H.09 alumni have taken on a challenge: raising €500,000 in pledges to support the Impact tomorrow campaign through to 2024. It’s the first time a class has set itself such an aim by encouraging alumni to commit over time through the Foundation HEC.
This young class has set itself 3 targets for supporting HEC’s ambitions and project ecosystem:
- To collect upwards of €250,000 over the next 5 years for Impact tomorrow, from at least a hundred donors,
- To raise €1M to invest in the HEC Ventures fund,
- To support the development of the Infinity Pass, with a target of having half of the graduating class signed up as life members by 2024.
This exemplary effort saw the Class of ’09 and their delegate, Julien Lacaze, honored with a welldeserved "ecosystem award" at the HEC Alumni Association new year ceremony! Bravo and thank you Julien!
Eloïc Peyrache, Dean of HEC Paris, welcomed this commitment by what is still a young class, by going to meet them. This was also an opportunity to reflect on HEC’s long-term goals and the importance of giving back to HEC in such crucial times. The project is well under way: soon, half of the amount will have been raised!
I wish to participate in the fundraising
Like many others, my 4 years on the campus had a significant impact on me and I find it normal to contribute, so that others can enjoy it in turn. This notion of “giving back” is important: everyone can participate within their means.

Julien Lacaze (H.09)