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HEC Foundation

Bruno Roux de Bézieux Prize – Doriot Day

For several years, the Bruno Roux de Bézieux Foundation, under the aegis of the HEC Foundation, has been supporting educational innovation in management sciences in France. 
This sheltered foundation was established in 2015, eight years after the death of Bruno Roux de Bézieux, by his family and his friend, Didier Pineau-Valencienne (H.54).

From left to right in the picture below : Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Didier Pineau-Valencienne, Véronique Roux de Bézieux et Olivier Gauthier (2018 prizewinner)

Prix Roux de Bezieux - Olivier Gauthier

Among the different activities supported by the Bruno Roux de Bézieux Foundation, each year it finances a student enrolled on the HEC Entrepreneurs major, in partnership with “Nos Quartiers ont des Talents”,  and rewards educational initiatives introduced on the HEC Paris campus with the “Innovation prize”.

It also awards the “Bruno Roux de Bézieux prizes during the two-yearly Doriot Day Conference. 

Bruno Roux de Bézieux taught at HEC Paris and was a student of Georges Doriot at Harvard. After his death, his family wanted to honor his memory by awarding a prize to the most remarkable contributions via the Bruno Roux de Bézieux Foundation. 
The objective of the Georges Doriot Days is to encourage debate about divergent and alternative conceptions of entrepreneurship in order to understand its various facets.

Each year, three “Bruno Roux de Bézieux” prizes were awarded during the two-yearly Doriot Day Conference *, in the presence of Alain Bloch, Scientific Director of HEC Entrepreneurs MSc and co-founder of HEC Family Business Center et Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, MEDEF President.

2020 Prizewinners:

  • Pierre Labardin, Prizewinner of the best publication for his thesis « Bernard Tapie et le profit comme réussite : Genèse et fonction sociale d’une métaphore dans la France des années 1980 »
From left to right : Pierre Labardin ( 2020 prizewinner) and Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux

2018 Prizewinners:

  • Julien de Freyman, professor at ESC Troyes, received the prize for the best publication for his thesis: “Lessons from an entrepreneurial educational ecosystem focused on the recognition and sharing of entrepreneurial cultures”.
Julien de Freymann
From left to right: Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, Véronique Roux de Bezieux, Didier Pineau-Valencienne et Julien de Freyman
  • Laure Leglise and Olivier Gauthier shared the prize for the best publication presented by PhD students. They are both from Paris-Dauphine University and won the prize for the following thesis: “The legitimacy of the entrepreneur in the face of institutional stakeholders in a postcolonial context: the role of the tools used by commercial banks in the case of Madagascan entrepreneurship.”
  • Prisca Justine Ehui, researcher at Houphouet-Boigny University in Abidjan, also received the Bruno Roux de Bézieux prize.
Prix Roux de Bezieux - Prisca Ehui
From left to right : Véronique Roux de Bezieux, Prisca Justine Ehui et Alain Bloch

Prisca Justine’s study shows how associations are being mobilized by the women from two villages in eastern Côte d’Ivoire in order to change traditional relationships between men and women. The results show that membership of associations has a positive impact on women’s economic, social and cultural visibility.

At a number of events, the prizewinners were able to meet Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux and his mother Véronique Roux de Bézieux, who congratulated them on the quality of their work and presented them, in the name of the Bruno Roux de Bézieux Foundation, with a prize in order to help them continue their studies.

Alain Bloch, Scientific Director of HEC Entrepreneurs and co-founder of the HEC Family Business Center, Didier Pineau-Valencienne, friend of Bruno Roux de Bézieux and co-founder of his foundation and Delphine Colson, Executive Director of the HEC Foundation, were present in 2018 at these events to congratulate the prizewinners.


Further information:
* As a Harvard professor, Georges Doriot was a pioneer in management teaching and research. At the beginning of the 1930s, he introduced the case-study method to France at the CPA, which was to become HEC Paris Group’s Executive MBA. Promoted to General in the US Army during the Second World War, he was also one of the “inventors” of risk capital in the post-war USA and made a fortune by contributing to the establishment of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC).