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HEC Foundation

The HEC Foundation The HEC Foundation

A government-recognized public-interest organization founded in 1972, the HEC Foundation contributes to the development of strategic academic projects at HEC Paris through the funding of student scholarships, entrepreneurship, digital transformation, social responsibility and international diversity.

Visit the Foundation’s website


4 strategic priorities supported by the HEC Foundation


Those last years, HEC has been one of the most committed French schools to make its teaching accessible to all talents! The impact is clear: today, HEC Paris offers scholarships to 18% of its students (against 5% 10 years ago).



Thanks to donations, the HEC Foundation promotes the creation of businesses via support and incubation activities and financing companies’ design, recovery or expansion projects as they first start out.


In order for research at HEC Paris to be recognised worldwide, research professors are required to publish high-quality articles in the most renowned of journals.


At HEC Paris, the push for digital technology is designed not only to help with the education of our students and facilitate teaching and research for the Faculty, but also to help strengthen cooperation with our business community and partnerships.

Latest news

On Tuesday October 8, we were delighted to welcome over 60 guests to the magnificent Museum of the City of New York, in the presence of Éloïc Peyrache, Dean of HEC Paris.
On Thursday, September 19, 2024, 188 students from HEC's pre-experience programs took part in a ceremony to officially receive their Excellence Scholarships in the presence of Flore (H.04) and Louis...
On September 14, 2024, 250 alumni and staff gathered on campus with Bernard Ramanantsoa (MBA.76), former Dean the School, and Daniel Bernard (H.69), Honorary President of the HEC Foundation, to inaugurate...
Over 400 students took part in the Class Gift 2024 gala evening, an emotional occasion where the latest batch of graduates celebrated the culmination of an experience they will never forget: the years...
The support and generosity of donors and corporate partners enable the School to carry out its mission for the public interest in accordance with its non-profit status. Thanks to their support, the...

I wasn’t really destined for an HEC education. […] Where I come from, getting your high school diploma is an end in itself. HEC just isn’t a possibility, not only because of financial barriers but also symbolic ones. Nobody talks to us about it, and no one believes we can do it, it’s another world, not for us, it doesn’t even cross our mind. […] The support for scholarship students meant my dream could now become a reality.

Contact us!

Delphine Colson (H.94)
Executive Director
Audrey Smadja
Director of Development - Major Donors