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Associate Professor

Management & Human Resources

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Mathis Schulte's current research focuses on understanding the creation of social networks within organizations, and their effects on employee satisfaction, customer service, and financial performance. His research appeared in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science.

Prior to joining HEC in 2009, Mathis was a senior fellow at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and lectured on Negotiations and Conflict Resolution. Mathis holds an M.S. in psychology from the University of Hamburg, and a Ph.D. in social-organizational psychology from Columbia University, New York.

Scientific articles

System-, teacher-, and student-level interventions for improving participation in online learning at scale in high schools

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_PNAS, July 2023, vol. 120, n° 30, pp e2216686120, (in coll. with I. Asanov, A.-M. Asanov, T. ASTEBRO, G. Buenstorf, B. CRÉPON, D. McKenzie, F. P. Flores T., M. Mensmann)

Remote-learning, time-use, and mental health of Ecuadorian high-school students during the COVID-19 quarantine

World Development, February 2021, vol. 138, n° 105225, (in coll. with I. Asanov, F. Flores, D. McKenzie, M. Mensmann)

The Co-Evolution of Network Ties and Perceptions of Psychological Safety

Organization Science, March-April 2012, vol. 23, n° 2, pp 564-581, (in coll. with N. Cohen, K. KLEIN)

Organizational Climate Configurations: Relationships to Collective Attitudes, Customer Satisfaction, and Financial Performance

Journal of Applied Psychology, december, 2 2009, vol. 94, n° 3, pp 618-634, (in coll. with S. Shmulyian, C. Ostroff, A. Kinicki)

Organizational climate systems and psychological climate perceptions: A cross-level study of climate-satisfaction relationships

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, february, 3 2006, vol. 79, n° 4, pp 645-672, (in coll. with C. Ostroff, A.J. Kinicki)

Points of departure and use of company-wide health promotion from the management perspective

Gruppendynamik, 2002, (in coll. with E. Bamberg)

Chapters in edited books

A Configural Approach to the Study of Organizational Culture and Climate

The Handbook Of Organizational Climate And Culture: Antecedents, Consequences, And Practice, B. Schneider, K. Barbera (Eds), Oxford University Press, 532-552

Person-Environment fit approaches to research and theory in organizations

Perspectives On Organizational Fit, C. Ostroff, T. A. Judge (Eds.), NJ: Erlbaum

Working papers

Individual characteristics and the dissolution of friendship ties in teams

Mimeo , 2010

Tied forever? A network approach to understanding relationship transitions

Mimeo , 2010

Ties in teams: How much homophily of what and when

Mimeo , 2010

A process model test of the impact of organizational culture, organizational climate, and climate strength on collective employee attitudes and customer satisfaction

Mimeo , 2009

The psychology of stock options

Mimeo , 2008

Scientific articles

System-, teacher-, and student-level interventions for improving participation in online learning at scale in high schools

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America_PNAS, July 2023, vol. 120, n° 30, pp e2216686120, (in coll. with I. Asanov, A.-M. Asanov, T. ASTEBRO, G. Buenstorf, B. CRÉPON, D. McKenzie, F. P. Flores T., M. Mensmann)

Remote-learning, time-use, and mental health of Ecuadorian high-school students during the COVID-19 quarantine

World Development, February 2021, vol. 138, n° 105225, (in coll. with I. Asanov, F. Flores, D. McKenzie, M. Mensmann)

The Co-Evolution of Network Ties and Perceptions of Psychological Safety

Organization Science, March-April 2012, vol. 23, n° 2, pp 564-581, (in coll. with N. Cohen, K. KLEIN)

Organizational Climate Configurations: Relationships to Collective Attitudes, Customer Satisfaction, and Financial Performance

Journal of Applied Psychology, december, 2 2009, vol. 94, n° 3, pp 618-634, (in coll. with S. Shmulyian, C. Ostroff, A. Kinicki)

Chapters in edited books

A Configural Approach to the Study of Organizational Culture and Climate

The Handbook Of Organizational Climate And Culture: Antecedents, Consequences, And Practice, B. Schneider, K. Barbera (Eds), Oxford University Press, 532-552

Person-Environment fit approaches to research and theory in organizations

Perspectives On Organizational Fit, C. Ostroff, T. A. Judge (Eds.), NJ: Erlbaum

Working papers

Individual characteristics and the dissolution of friendship ties in teams

Mimeo , 2010

Tied forever? A network approach to understanding relationship transitions

Mimeo , 2010

Ties in teams: How much homophily of what and when

Mimeo , 2010

A process model test of the impact of organizational culture, organizational climate, and climate strength on collective employee attitudes and customer satisfaction

Mimeo , 2009


  • Ph.D. in Social-Organizational Psychology, Columbia University - USA
  • M.A. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, University of Hamburg - Germany
  • B.A. in Psychology, University of Hamburg - Germany

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Academy of Management
  • Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
  • International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)

Editorial activities

  • Reviewer, Academy of Management Review
  • Reviewer, Administrative Science Quarterly
  • Reviewer, Conferences of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
  • Reviewer, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management
  • Reviewer, Organization Science

  • Awards & honors

    • 2018 Best New Directions Paper Award, Conflict Management Division
    • 2016 Pierre Vernimmen Teaching Award, BNP Paribas and HEC Paris, category professor researcher
    • 2012 Prix Article Professeur de la Fondation HEC pour l'article "The Co-Evolution of Network Ties and Perceptions of Psychological Safety", Organization Science, mars-avril 2012
    • 2011 Fondation HEC Prize for Innovation in Teaching for the MBA course "OB Analytics - Social Network" (in coll. with K. Yong)