Dominique Rouziès (Ph.D., McGill University) is Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris and Academic Dean at BMI Executive Institute. She is also a member of the scientific committee of the Groupe des écoles nationales d’économie et statistique (GENES) and of the CNRS-GREGHEC Research Lab.
Previously, she held the EDF Chair, was the Academic Director of the Executive Masters in Sales and Marketing and the Master of Science in Marketing. Additionally, she was awarded the 2023 American Marketing Association Sales SIG’s Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in the sales and sales management area.
Her research, teaching and consultancy interests focus primarily on improving sales organization performance. She received (with her co-authors) the American Marketing Association Sales SIG’s Excellence in Research Award for her article on salesforce financial incentives published in the Journal of Marketing. She recently co-authored a book on salesforce compensation.
Beyond academic publications, her work has been featured in Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Manager, Les Echos and The Financial Times among others.
Scientific articles
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1987, vol. 4, n° 2, pp 99-110, (in coll. with A. d'Astous)
Chapters in edited books
Proceedings of the XIX Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy , 1990 (R. Darmon)
Proceedings of the XVIII Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy , 1989 (R. Darmon)
Working papers
Case Studies
Scientific articles
International Journal of Human Resource Management, September 2010, vol. 21, n° 11, pp 1951-1975, (in coll. with V. Onyemah, N. Panagopoulos)
Harvard Business Manager, february, 3 2010, pp 18-22,
Marketing Letters, September 2010, vol. 21, n° 3, pp 239-253, (in coll. with K. Bradford, S. Brown, S. Ganesan, G. Hunter, V. Onyemah, R. Palmatier, R. Spiro, H. Sujan, B. Weitz)
Harvard Business Review, July-August 2010, vol. 88, n° 7/8, pp 21-23, (in coll. with J. Ghalbouni)
Chapters in edited books
Proceedings of the XIX Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy , 1990 (R. Darmon)
Proceedings of the XVIII Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy , 1989 (R. Darmon)
Working papers
Case Studies
Academic appointments
External Academic Responsibilities
- 2016-2017 Visiting professor McGill University, Faculty of Management
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- Member, Senior Advisory Board, Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management
- Member, American Marketing Association
- Member, French Marketing Association
- Member, INFORMS
- Member, Strategic Account Management Association
Editorial activities
Conference organisation
Awards & honors
- 2023 2023 American Marketing Association (AMA) Sales Special Interest Group (SIG) Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in the sales and sales management area
- 2010 American Marketing Association Selling and Sales Management Special Interest Group's Excellence in Research Award for "Determinants of Pay Levels and Structures in Sales Organizations", Journal of Marketing, November 2009, vol. 73, n 6, pp. 92-104