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Ph.D. Student


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My research interests revolve around cognitive psychology, judgement, and decision making. I am passionate about understanding how the inferences we make on others' intentions influence how we process the information they share.

I explore the role of social inferences on consumer information processing. Combining theories from marketing and psychology, I aim to provide solutions to concrete consumer challenges in the current societal and digital landscape. To do so, I adopt a multi-method approach, combining both secondary data and experiments, to investigate the impact of social inferences on belief formation in polarized environments (how can we reduce polarization and foster cohesion?) and in user-generated content networks (what leads users to follow back?).

For more information, check out my personnal website here



  • Master in Cognitive Sciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure - Lyon - France
  • Management MSc., Cranfield University - United Kingdom
  • Master in Engineering, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines - France
  • Bachelor, Science, Mathematics, Université Jean Monnet - France

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2020- Ph.D. Student, Marketing HEC Paris
  • 2020- Ph.D. Student, GREGHEC HEC Paris