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Tina M. Lowrey is Professor of Marketing at HEC Paris. She holds a Ph.D. in Communications and an M.S. in Advertising from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and a B.B.A. in Finance from the University of Houston. She was previously a faculty member at the University of Texas at San Antonio and at Rider University. She has also taught at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and has held visiting professor positions at the NYU Stern School of Business, Tulane University, ESCP and University of Sydney.

Tina Lowrey’s research interests include children's understanding of brand symbolism, gift giving and ritual, and the application of psycholinguistic theory to marketing communications. Her research has appeared in leading journals in marketing, psychology, and communication, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, and Journal of Advertising, as well as numerous edited volumes. She has edited three scholarly books, including the 2008 Brick & Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century (Erlbaum) and the 2007 Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications (Erlbaum).

Tina M. Lowrey serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Advertising, and Media Psychology. She also currently serves on the Policy Board of Journal of Consumer Research. 

Scientific articles

Can the youth materialism scale be used across different countries and cultures?

International Journal of Market Research, 5 May 2021, vol. 63, n° 3, pp 317-334, (in coll. with A. M. Zawadzka, A. Nairn, L. Hudders, A. Bakir, A. Rogers, V. Cauberghe, E. Gentina, H. LI, F. Spotswood)

Nonmonetary and nonreciprocal freecycling: Motivations for participating in online alternative giving communities

Journal of Consumer Behaviour, July-August 2020, vol. 19, n° 4, pp 339-350, (in coll. with Fan Liu, Zachary Johnson, Carolyn Massiah)

Age differences in children's happiness from material goods and experiences: The role of memory and theory of mind

International Journal of Research in Marketing, Septembre 2020, vol. 37, n° 3, pp 572-586, (in coll. with L. N. CHAPLIN, A. A. RUVIO, L. SHRUM, K. D. VOHS)

The Effects of Linguistic Devices on Consumer Information Processing and Persuasion: A Language Complexity × Processing Mode Framework

Journal of Consumer Psychology, October 2018, vol. 28, n° 4, pp 689-711, (in coll. with R. POGACAR, L. J. SHRUM)

An Integrative Model of the Influence of Parental and Peer Support on Consumer Ethical Beliefs: The Mediating Role of Self-Esteem, Power and Materialism

Journal of Business Ethics, July 2018, vol. 150, n° 4, pp 1173-1186, (in coll. with E. GENTINA, L. SHRUM, S. VITELL, G. ROSE)

Using sublexical priming to enhance brand name phonetic symbolism effects in young children

Marketing Letters, february, 3 2017, vol. 28, n° 4, pp 565–577, (in coll. with S. M. BAXTER, M. ILICIC, A. KULCZYNSKI)

Tastlé-Nestlé, Toogle-Google: The effects of similarity to familiar brand names in brand name innovation

Journal of Business Research, March 2016, vol. 69, n° 3, pp 1182–1189, (in coll. with A. KRONROD)

Teen attitudes toward luxury fashion brands from a social identity perspective: A cross-cultural study of French and U.S. teenagers

Journal of Business Research, february, 3 2016, vol. 69, n° 12, pp 5785-5792, (in coll. with E. GENTINA, L. SHRUM)

Communicating product size using sound and shape symbolism

Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2015, vol. 24, n° 5, pp 472-480, (in coll. with S. BAXTER, J. ILICIC, A. KULCZYNSKI)

Identity-Based Motivations and Anticipated Reckoning: Contributions to Gift-Giving Theory from an Identity-Stripping Context

Journal of Consumer Psychology, July 2015, vol. 25, n° 3, pp 431-448, (in coll. with J. G. KLEIN, C. C. OTNES)


Chapters in edited books


You Run When Time Flies: Time Metaphors Affect Inferences from the Speed of Time

2018 Association for Consumer Research conference , 2018 , Dallas, Texas (A. MECIT, L. SHRUM)

The Role of Assimilation and Individuation in Teen Attitudes toward Luxury Fashion Brands: A Cross-Cultural Study

2015 Global Fashion Management Conference at Florence Proceedings , 2015 , Florence (S. GENTINA, L. SHRUM)

Consumer Judgments as a Function of Social Class

Advances in Consumer Research , 2014 , 41 (J. LEE, L. SHRUM)

The Sound of Success: Sound Symbolism's Effect on Stock Performance During First Year of Trading

Advances in Consumer Psychology , 2014 , Miami (L. SHRUM, S. ROCHE)

Working papers

Scientific articles

COVID-19 is Feminine: Grammatical Gender Influences Danger Perceptions and Precautionary Behavioral Intentions by Activating Gender Stereotypes

Journal of Consumer Psychology, April 2022, vol. 32, n° 2, pp 316-325, (in coll. with A. MECIT, L. J. SHRUM)

Grammatical Gender and Anthropomorphism: “It” Depends on the Language

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, September 2022, vol. 123, n° 3, pp 503-517, (in coll. with A. MECIT, L. J. SHRUM)

Psychological causes, correlates, and consequences of materialism

Consumer Psychology Review, January 2022, vol. 5, n° 1, pp 69-86, (in coll. with L. J. SHRUM, L. NGUYEN CHAPLIN)

The Effect of Altruistic Gift Giving on Self-Indulgence in Affordable Luxury

Journal of Business Research, July 2022, vol. 146, pp 84-94, (in coll. with N. CHEN, F. E. PETERSEN)


Psycholinguistic Phenomena in Marketing Communications

Psychology Press

Contemporary Consumption Rituals

Psychology Press (in coll. with C. C. Otnes )

Chapters in edited books

Conducting International Consumer Research with Children: Challenges and Potential Solutions

The Routledge Companion To Consumer Behavior, Michael R. Solomon, Tina M. Lowrey, Routledge, London

The Influence of Marketing Language On Brand Attitudes and Choice

The Routledge Companion To Consumer Behavior, Michael R. Solomon, Tina M. Lowrey, Routledge, London

The Aesthetics of Brand Name Design: Form, Fit, Fluency, and Phonetics

The Psychology Of Design : Creating Consumer Appeal, R. Batra, C. Seifert, D. Brei (Eds), Routledge, London, 180-196


Latin American Advances In Consumer Research, E. Gonzalez, T. M. Lowrey, Association for Consumer Research, 3


You Run When Time Flies: Time Metaphors Affect Inferences from the Speed of Time

2018 Association for Consumer Research conference , 2018 , Dallas, Texas (A. MECIT, L. SHRUM)

The Role of Assimilation and Individuation in Teen Attitudes toward Luxury Fashion Brands: A Cross-Cultural Study

2015 Global Fashion Management Conference at Florence Proceedings , 2015 , Florence (S. GENTINA, L. SHRUM)

Consumer Judgments as a Function of Social Class

Advances in Consumer Research , 2014 , 41 (J. LEE, L. SHRUM)

The Sound of Success: Sound Symbolism's Effect on Stock Performance During First Year of Trading

Advances in Consumer Psychology , 2014 , Miami (L. SHRUM, S. ROCHE)

Working papers


  • Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - USA
  • M. S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - USA
  • B.B.A., University of Houston - USA

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member, American Academy of Advertising
  • Member, Association for Consumer Research
  • Member, Society for Consumer Psychology (APA - Division 23)

Editorial activities

  • March 2023- President of the Association for Consumer Research (ACR)
  • 2013- Guest Associate Editor, Sage Open
  • 2002- Guest Editor, Special Issue "Psychology, Marketing Psycholinguistics", Psychology Marketing, 19 (7-8)
  • FWO-Expert Panel GM2: Economics, Business Economics, and Management
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Advertising (Outstanding Review Awards, 2006 2010)
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Journal of Consumer Psychology
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Media Psychology
  • Member, Editorial Review Board, Psychology Marketing

  • Conference organisation

  • 2015- Co-Chair, European Marketing Academy conference, Consumer Behavior track, Leuven
  • 2014- Co-Chair, 2014 Latin American Association for Consumer Research conference, Guadalajara
  • 2013- Co-Chair, 2013 Transformative Consumer Research conference (Materialism Track), Lille