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Associate Professor

Information Systems and Operations Management

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Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini is an associate professor of innovation in the ISOM department (Information Systems and Operations Management) and researcher at GREGHEC since January 2006. She teaches project management, new product development processes and management of innovation in Executive Education, Exec MBA, MBA and Masters. She is scientific director of the MS X-HEC Entrepreneurs, of the Project Innovation Design (PIC) major and of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation major (Executive MBA).

Her research focuses on the management of breakthrough innovations, the organization of exploration and the development processes of new products. It deals with how to develop breakthrough innovations which renew the activity of the firm ? How to learn from exploration projects and how to organize them?

She is also interested in the role of design in innovating and transforming organizations.

She has published several research articles (Journal of Product Innovation Management, Creativity Innovation Management, International Journal of Project management, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Management International, International Journal of Innovation Management, Research Technology Management , Revue Française de Gestion, etc.) and has contributed to several books (Doing research in project management, Innovation based competition and design systems dynamics, From idea to market, Great authors in innovation management, etc. ). She has also edited several books (Management of Innovation and Globalization, Management of disruptive innovations, Networks: strategic and organizational dimensions, Co-design and interaction knowledge, etc.).

She regularly participates in the following conferences: AIMS, International Association of Strategic Management; AoM, Academy Of Management; BCERC, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference; EGOS, European Group of Organizational Studies; EURAM, European Academy of Management; IPDMC, International Product Development Conference; IRNOP, International Research Network on Organizing by Projects, etc).

Sihem BenMahmoud-Jouini graduated from Ecole Centrale Lille as an engineer. After experience in a design office, she opted for an academic career. She obtained a DEA in Scientific Methods of Management and a doctorate from the University of Paris 9 Dauphine. She carried out her research at the Management Research Center of the Ecole Polytechnique (CRG) where she is still an associate researcher. She was a lecturer at the University of Paris 11 where she supervised the master's degree in Management Sciences. She has been visiting Stern Business School (NYU) and Babson College.

She held the Innovation and Globalization Chair (Orange) and the Innovation Management in Aeronautics Chair (Safran).

She intervened, as part of her research at the Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris, Vinci, Incuballiance, Ministry of Equipment, Thales, Valeo, Air Liquide, Essilor, Danone, Orange, etc.

Scientific articles

Unpacking the notion of prototype archetypes in the early phase of an innovation process

Creativity and Innovation Management, March 2020, vol. 29, n° 1, pp 49-71, (in coll. with C. MIDLER)

Intermediate, Local and Glocal Innovation Models for MNCs Targeting Emerging Markets: The Case of a European Telco Operator in Africa and the Middle East

Management International, 2020, vol. 24, n° Hors-séri, pp 20-35, (in coll. with M. HADENGUE, F. CHARUE-DUBOC)

Créez le prochain Uber et soyez rentables d’ici la fin de l’année

Revue Française de Gestion, 2020, vol. 1, n° 286, pp 35-55, (in coll. with C. GIBERT)

Introduction numéro spécial Innovations, Espaces et Territoires

Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2020, n° NS-9, pp 1-4, (in coll. with F. Charue-Duboc, T. PARIS)

Espace et événement collaboratifs d’innovation, deux dispositifs complémentaires pour l’ambidextrie.Synergies entre Innovation Lab et Innovation Challenge

Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 2020, n° NS-9, pp 1-24, (in coll. with J. Leveque, J. Fabbri)

Making Design Thinking Work: Adapting an Innovation Approach to Fit a Large Technology-Driven Firm

Research Technology Management, Septembre 2019, vol. 62, n° 5, pp 50-58, (in coll. with S. K. FIXSON, D. BOULET)

L’achat-innovation, un acteur d’interface d’Open Innovation

Revue Française de Gestion, June-July 2019, vol. 45, n° 82, pp 113-130, (in coll. with R. SERVAJEAN-HILST, A. GILAIN, A. DUMAS)

The process of creation in creative industries

Creativity and Innovation Management, Septembre 2019, vol. 28, n° 3, pp 403-419, (in coll. with T. PARIS)

Les pratiques conduisant au succès ou à l’échec des coopérations d’innovation entre clients et fournisseurs

Décisions Marketing, April-June 2019, vol. 94, pp 71-87, (in coll. with R. SERVAJEAN-HILST)

Establishing relationships with distant suppliers to explore discontinuous innovation

International Journal of Technology Management, 2019, vol. 81, n° 3-4, pp 143-165, (in coll. with F. CHARUE-DUBOC)


Chapters in edited books

Le management des connaissances et des apprentissages dans les entreprises multi-projet

Faire De La Recherche En Gestion De Projet, G. Garel, V. Giard, C. Midler (Eds), Vuibert

Les coopérations inter-entreprises dans les projets de développement

Faire De La Recherche En Gestion De Projet, G. Garel, V. Giard, C. Midler (Eds), Vuibert

Pilotage du temps et création de valeur dans les projets

Faire De La Recherche En Gestion De Projet, G. Garel, V. Giard, C. Midler (Eds), Vuibert

Une approche managériale de l’organisation réseau

Les Réseaux : Dimensions Organisationnelles Et Stratégiques, C. Voisin, S. Edouard, Editions Economica

Vitesse et performance économique des projets : le cas des projets à coûts contrôlés

Perspectives En Management Stratégique, F. Frery, P. Joffre, H. Laroche (Eds), EMS Management et Sociétés, 9 , 296-316

Les leviers de pilotage de la vitesse dans les projets à coûts contrôlés

Sciences De Gestion Et Pratiques Managériales, Editions Economica

Comment passer d’une démarche réactive à une démarche proactive fondée sur stratégies d’offres innovantes ? Le cas des grandes entreprises générales de Bâtiment Françaises

De L'Idée Au Marché - Processus D'Innovation Et Lancement De Produits Nouveaux, A. Bloch, D. Manceau (Eds), Vuibert, 6 , 340-361

Design Process and Innovation Based Supplies Strategy - the case of major contractors in the French construction industry

Innovation Based Competition &Amp; Design Systems Dynamics, P. J. Benghozi, F. Charue-Duboc, C. Midler (Eds), Editions L'Harmattan, 75-92

Supply based strategies. The case of the French building contractors

Projects As Business Constituents And Guiding Motives, F. Hartmann, R. Lundin (Eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 143-154


Complémentarités entre ambidextrie contextuelle et structurelle - Bénéfices conjugués d’un concours et d’une cellule d’innovation

27ème conférence de l'AIMS, 6-8 juin , 2018 , Montpellier (J. LÉVÊQUE, J. FABBRI)

Déploiement interne et externe d’une innovation organisationnelle: le cas des espaces collaboratifs d’innovation

Conférence AIMS, 27ème édition, 6-8 juin , 2018 , Montpellier (K. SACÉPÉ)

I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous”: Middle Management Roles and Practices In Organizational Ambidexterity

EURAM'18, 19-22 juin , 2018 , Reykjavik (C. GIBERT)

Innovation portfolio management by MNC targeting emerging markets: the case of European telco operator in Africa and the Middle East

8ème Conférence ATLAS, 21 - 23 mai , 2018 , Paris (F. CHARUE-DUBOC, M. HADINGUE)

Working papers

Scientific articles


Le journal de l'école de Paris du management, January-February 2022, vol. 1, n° 153, pp 44-45, (in coll. with A. BUSSON, D. CENTLIVRE, T. PARIS, M.-L. RIGAL)

Integration of an exploration program with its parent organization: A lifecycle perspective

International Journal of Project Management, July 2022, vol. 40, n° 5, pp 587-597, (in coll. with F. Charue-Duboc)

When cultures collide: What can we learn from frictions in the implementation of design thinking?

Journal of Product Innovation Management, January 2022, vol. 39, n° 1, pp 44-65, (in coll. with L. Carlgren)

Imprinting of founders' entrepreneurial motivations on enterprises' practices and processes: The context of creative industries

Creativity and Innovation Management, March 2021, vol. 30, n° 1, pp 182-197, (in coll. with C. Abecassis-Moedas, D. Manceau, J. Pereira)


L'ingénierie concourante dans le bâtiment

Editions du Plan Construction et Architecture (in coll. with C. Midler )

Chapters in edited books

Les modèles économiques des espaces collaboratifs d’innovation

Innovation Et Participation, Approches Critiques, B. Laurent, M. Baker, V. Beaudouin et N. Raulet-Croset, Transvalor - Presses des Mines, 2 , 109-130

Clayton Christensen : les innovations de rupture, défis et principes de management

Les Grands Auteurs En Management De L'Innovation Et De La Créativité, T. Burger-Helmchen, C. Hussler, P. Cohendet, EMS Management et Sociétés

Towards a Comprehensive Model of Sustainable Family Firm Performance

Handbbook Of Research On Family Business (2Nd Ed.), K. Smyrnios, P. Poutziouris, S. Goel eds., Edward Elgar Publishing

Processus entrepreneurial et processus d'apprentissage : Comment les start-up apprennent-elles ?

Innovation Et Création D'Entreprise - De L'Idée À L'Organisation, A. Bloch, S. Morin-Delerm (eds), Editions ESKA, 47-65


Complémentarités entre ambidextrie contextuelle et structurelle - Bénéfices conjugués d’un concours et d’une cellule d’innovation

27ème conférence de l'AIMS, 6-8 juin , 2018 , Montpellier (J. LÉVÊQUE, J. FABBRI)

Déploiement interne et externe d’une innovation organisationnelle: le cas des espaces collaboratifs d’innovation

Conférence AIMS, 27ème édition, 6-8 juin , 2018 , Montpellier (K. SACÉPÉ)

I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous”: Middle Management Roles and Practices In Organizational Ambidexterity

EURAM'18, 19-22 juin , 2018 , Reykjavik (C. GIBERT)

Innovation portfolio management by MNC targeting emerging markets: the case of European telco operator in Africa and the Middle East

8ème Conférence ATLAS, 21 - 23 mai , 2018 , Paris (F. CHARUE-DUBOC, M. HADINGUE)

Working papers


  • Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion (Ph.D. in Management), Université Paris Dauphine - France
  • Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies Methodes scientifiques de gestion , Université Paris Dauphine - France
  • Ingenieur, Ecole Centrale de Lille - France
  • Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies "Systemes de gestion", Université Lille 2 Droit et Santé - France

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2021- Academic Director of X-HEC Entrepreneur Program HEC Paris
  • 2012-2018 « Management de l'Innovation et Globalisation » (France Télécom-Orange) Professor HEC Paris
  • 2012-2016 Responsable the chaire/certificate "SAFRAN Innovation Management in Aeronautics" HEC Paris
  • 2011- Responsable of the major "Innovation & Entrepreneurship at l'Exec-MBA" HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member of Academy of Management (Divisions Technology Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Operations Management)
  • Member of EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies)
  • Member of EIASM (European Institute for advanced studies in management) organizer of EURAM (European academy of Management) and IPDMC (International Product Development Management Conference)
  • Member of AIMS (Association Internationale de Management Strategique)
  • Member of IRNOP (International Research Network on Organizing by Projects)
  • Representation de HEC au CRCI (Centre de Reflexion sur la Conception et l'Innovation) cree par Roland Berger et Dassault Systemes.
  • Member, Strategic Management Society (SMS)
  • Memberof association EURAM
  • member of the association ATLAS

Editorial activities

  • June 2015- Guest editor, Management International Vol. 19 Issue 4
  • Reviewer, Construction Management and Economics Review, Decision Marketing, Gerer Comprendre, M@n@gement, Organization Sciences, International Journal of Product Developement, Journal of Business Research, European Management Journal
  • Member of the selection committee, reviewer at the conferences of EURAM, IRNOP, AIMS, AOM (TIM Division)
  • Reviewer, Journees Georges Doriot

  • Conference organisation

  • 2022-2022 Webinar "When design thinking clashes with the existing business culture" with Lisa Carlsgren, Senior Researcher at Rise Research Institutes of Sweden, & Sihem Jouini, Professor of Innovation Management at HEC Paris
  • 2010- (PDW) Design-Bases Innovation: Domains of Application at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, Montréal, Canada.
  • 2009- (PDW) Design-Driven Innovation, Academy of Management, Chicago, USA
  • 2008- Professional Development Workshop (PDW), Celine Abecassis-Moedas (Catholic University of Portugal) et Stefan Meisiek (New University of Lisbon) «Design Management: Definition of a field Academy of Management
  • 2005- Performance and Organizational Learning, Faculté Jean Monnet, Paris Sud University
  • 2004- Atelier l 'ANRT, Maison de la Chimie, Paris, l'Institut Pasteur, Leti-Minatec, Valeo et Rhodia, Products and Knowledge development coupling: toward a new model for the RSD
  • 2002- Faculté Jean Monnet-Université Paris Sud - "Network organizational and strategic dimensions"
  • Membre du comité d'organisation du séminaire "Management de l'Innovation - théories et pratiques" (Ecole Polytechnique, HEC Paris, Mines ParisTech, Sciences Po Grenoble)
  • Awards & honors

    • 2020 Best Paper Award of Research-Technology Management Journal, for her 2019 published article co-authored with Didier Boulet, Chief Design Officer of Thales, and Sebastian Fixson, Professor at Babson College, "Making Design Thinking Work Adapting an Innovation Approach to Fit a Large Technology-Driven Firm"
    • 2008 Prix de la Fondation HEC pour l'article "Favoriser l'innovation radicale dans une entreprise multidivisionnelle. Extension du modele ambidextre a partir de l'analyse d'un cas", Finance - Controle - Strategie, vol. 10, n 3, septembre 2007
    • 2007 Best Paper Award Finalist, AOM, TIM Division
    • 2001 Prix Vinci de l'Innovation "Knowledge sharing"
    • 1999 Fullbright Fellowship