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Andrew Henry Aurelio FUNCK

Ph.D. Student

Economics and Decision Sciences

 Profile picture


  • Master of Science in Economics and Social Sciences; Graduation: 110/110.Thesis: 'Trumpism': Understanding, measuring and evaluating American political rhetoric in Congress with Natural Language Processing., Department of Economics, Bocconi University - Italy
  • Exchange, spring semester (GPA 3.0)Courses: International Economics, Labour Economics, Political Economy., College of Arts and Sciences, New York University - USA
  • Bachelor of Science in Economics and Social Sciences; Graduation 110/110 Cum Laude. Thesis: Spread and politics. The impact of Italian government communication on sovereign rate, an empirical analysis., Department of Economics, Bocconi University - Italy

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2021- Ph.D. Student, Economics and Decision Science HEC Paris
  • 2021- GREGHEC HEC Paris