Associate Professor (Education Track)
Languages & Cultures

Chantal Carleton has been Affiliate Professor since Sept.2012 in the Département Langues et Culture at HEC. She is finishing her doctorate this academic year as a co-tutelle with Indiana University, Bloomington and the Sorbonne Nouvelle. Her research focuses on the inter-relationships between text and music in American poetry. Chantal's previous experience includes teaching at the university level in both France and the United States.
Scientific articles
Portals: A Journal of Comparative Literature, Spring 2005,
Scientific articles
Portals: A Journal of Comparative Literature, Spring 2005,
Academic appointments
Academic Responsibilities at HEC
- 2020- Associate Professor (Education Track), Languages and Cultures Department HEC Paris
Scientific Activities
Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation
- FAAAM (Femmes-Auteurs Anglaises et Americaines), Universite Paris X-Nanterre
- Association Francaise des Etudes Americaines