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Jean-Noel BARROT

Associate Professor, on leave of absence


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Jean-Noël Barrot teaches entrepreneurial finance at HEC Paris. His research interests include entrepreneurial finance, and the interactions between product and capital markets. In recent work, he has explored the implications of trade credit for business creations and survival, the propagation of shocks from suppliers to customers, and the implications of globalization for asset prices and household debt. He has published in leading economics journals like the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and Management Science. He earned Master degrees from Paris School of Economics and Sciences Po, as well as a PhD in financial economics from HEC Paris. Jean-Noël has also taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management.  

Scientific articles

Causal effects of closing businesses in a pandemic

Journal of Financial Economics, April 2024, vol. 154, n° 103794, (in coll. with M. Bonelli, B. Grassi, J. Sauvagnat)

The Labor Market Effects of Loan Guarantee Programs

Review of Financial Studies, August 2024, vol. 37, n° 8, pp 2315-2354, (in coll. with T. MARTIN, J. SAUVAGNAT, B. VALLÉE)

Import Competition and Household Debt

Journal of Finance, December 2022, vol. 77, n° 6, pp 3037-3091, (in coll. with E. LOUALICHE, M. PLOSSER, J. SAUVAGNAT)

The Employment Effects of Faster Payment: Evidence from the Federal Quickpay Reform

Journal of Finance, December 2020, vol. 75, n° 6, pp 3139-3173, (in coll. with R. NANDA)

The Globalization Risk Premium

Journal of Finance, October 2019, vol. 74, n° 5, pp 2391-2439, (in coll. with E. LOUALICHE, J. SAUVAGNAT)

Investor Horizon and the Life Cycle of Innovative Firms: Evidence from Venture Capital

Management Science, September 2017, vol. 63, n° 9, pp 3021-3043,

Input Specificity and the Propagation of Idiosyncratic Shocks in Production Networks

Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2016, vol. 131, n° 3, pp 1543-1592, (in coll. with J. SAUVAGNAT)

Trade Credit and Industry Dynamics: Evidence from Trucking Firms

Journal of Finance, October 2016, vol. 71, n° 5, pp 1975-2016,

Are retail traders compensated for providing liquidity?

Journal of Financial Economics, April 2016, vol. 120, n° 1, pp 146-168, (in coll. with R. KANIEL, D. SRAER)


Sectoral Effects of Social Distancing

Working papers

Costs and Benefits of Closing Businesses in a Pandemic

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020

Sectoral Effects of Social Distancing

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020

Scientific articles

Causal effects of closing businesses in a pandemic

Journal of Financial Economics, April 2024, vol. 154, n° 103794, (in coll. with M. Bonelli, B. Grassi, J. Sauvagnat)

The Labor Market Effects of Loan Guarantee Programs

Review of Financial Studies, August 2024, vol. 37, n° 8, pp 2315-2354, (in coll. with T. MARTIN, J. SAUVAGNAT, B. VALLÉE)

Import Competition and Household Debt

Journal of Finance, December 2022, vol. 77, n° 6, pp 3037-3091, (in coll. with E. LOUALICHE, M. PLOSSER, J. SAUVAGNAT)

The Employment Effects of Faster Payment: Evidence from the Federal Quickpay Reform

Journal of Finance, December 2020, vol. 75, n° 6, pp 3139-3173, (in coll. with R. NANDA)


Sectoral Effects of Social Distancing

Working papers

Costs and Benefits of Closing Businesses in a Pandemic

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020

Sectoral Effects of Social Distancing

Cahier de Recherche du Groupe HEC , 2020


  • Ph.D., financial economics, HEC Paris - France
  • M.Sc. in Economics, École d'économie de Paris (Paris School of Economics) - France
  • M.Sc. in Economics, with highest honors, Sciences Po Paris - France
  • M.Sc. in Quantitative Economics and Finance, École Polytechnique & HEC Paris - France

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2022- Associate Professor, on leave of absence, Finance HEC Paris
  • 2018-2022 Associate Professor, Finance HEC Paris

External Academic Responsibilities

  • 2017-2017 Associate Professor, Finance MIT, Sloan School of Management

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • European Finance Association (EFA), Western Finance Association (WFA), Financial Markets Association (FMA), French Finance Association (AFFI), American Finance Association (AFA)

Editorial activities

  • Refereeing: American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Review of Economics and Statistics, the Review of Finance, Management Science, the Review of Corporate Finance Studies, the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, the Journal of Banking and Finance

  • Awards & honors

    • 2022 Prix Article Professeur de la Fondation HEC
    • 2013 Top Finance Graduate Award