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Associate Professor

Management & Human Resources

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Roxana Barbulescu holds a BA in Economics with honors from Stanford University and an MSc and PhD in Management from INSEAD.

Her research focuses on the careers of managerial and professional workers, in particular the ways in which prior work experiences and individual characteristics facilitate or constrain job mobility. Her work has appeared in premier international research journals, including Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Academy of Management Review. She is winner or finalist for best paper prizes from the Academy of Management and Strategic Management Society conferences.

At HEC Paris Prof. Barbulescu teaches courses in leadership and management and serves as the academic director of the Advanced Management Specialization in the MBA Program. Her teaching was recognized with the BNP Paribas-Vernimmen Teaching Award for Best Professor Across Programs (Tenure Track) in 2017 and she was finalist for the same prize in 2021.

Prior to joining HEC Paris, Roxana Barbulescu was assistant professor at McGill University and visiting professor at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her pre-academia work background was in the investment banking sector in the US. 

Scientific articles

Looking for Greener Grass? Prior Status and Exploration-Exploitation Decisions in Job Search

Organization Science, January-February 2024, vol. 35, n° 1, pp 159-176, (in coll. with R. Bonet)

Management of fortuity: Workplace chance events and the career projections of up-or-out professionals

Journal of Vocational Behavior, December 2022, vol. 139, n° 103791, (in coll. with C. JONCZYK, C. Galunic, B. Bensaou)

Emotions as Causal Mechanisms and Strategic Resources for Action in the Study of Professions, Professionals, and Professional Service Firms

Journal of Professions and Organization, October 2021, vol. 8, n° 3, pp 237–252, (in coll. with L. Lelasseux, M. W. Lander)

I used to work at Goldman Sachs! How firms benefit from organizational status in the market for human capital

Strategic Management Journal, aout 2015, vol. 36, n° 8, pp 1164-1173, (in coll. with M. BIDWELL, S. WON, E. MOLLICK)

The Strength of Many Kinds of Ties: Unpacking the Role of Social Contacts Across Stages of the Job Search Process

Organization Science, July-August 2015, vol. 26, n° 4, pp 1040-1058,

Do Women Choose Different Jobs from Men? Mechanisms of Application Segregation in the Market for Managerial Workers

Organization Science, May-June 2013, vol. 24, n° 3, pp 737-756, (in coll. with M. BIDWELL)

Identity As Narrative: Prevalence, Effectiveness, and Consequences of Narrative Identity Work in Macro Work Role Transitions

Academy of Management Review, January 2010, vol. 35, n° 1, pp 135-154, (in coll. with H. IBARRA)

Chapters in edited books

Bridging micro and macro: An interdisciplinary review of theories used in career studies

The Routledge Companion To Career Studies, Routledge, London, 25-41

Why do managers talk about identity?

Organizational Identity In Practice, L. Lerpold, D. Ravasi, J. Van Rekom, G. Soenen (eds.), Routledge, New York, 35-49


After All, I am a Doctor: The Construction of Agency of Fertility Doctors during the Reform of Assisted Medical Procreation in France

37th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany , 2020 (L. LELASSEUX)

After All, I am a Doctor: The Construction of Agency of Fertility Doctors during the Reform of Assisted Medical Procreation in France.

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada , 2020 , 2020 , 1 (L. LELASSEUX)

After All, I am a Doctor: The Role of Values in the Construction of Agency of Fertility Doctors during the Reform of Assisted Medical Procreation in France.

the 7th Paper Development Workshop on Institutional and Organisational Change , 2020 , March, Edinburgh, UK (L. LELASSEUX)

Specializing Generalists: Job Rotations, Managerial Learning, and Promotions

80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Understanding the Inclusive Organization, AoM 2020 , 2020 , 2020 , 1 (O. IVANOVA)

Working papers

Bridging micro and macro: An interdisciplinary review of theories used in career studies

Routledge , 2016

Scientific articles

Looking for Greener Grass? Prior Status and Exploration-Exploitation Decisions in Job Search

Organization Science, January-February 2024, vol. 35, n° 1, pp 159-176, (in coll. with R. Bonet)

Management of fortuity: Workplace chance events and the career projections of up-or-out professionals

Journal of Vocational Behavior, December 2022, vol. 139, n° 103791, (in coll. with C. JONCZYK, C. Galunic, B. Bensaou)

Emotions as Causal Mechanisms and Strategic Resources for Action in the Study of Professions, Professionals, and Professional Service Firms

Journal of Professions and Organization, October 2021, vol. 8, n° 3, pp 237–252, (in coll. with L. Lelasseux, M. W. Lander)

I used to work at Goldman Sachs! How firms benefit from organizational status in the market for human capital

Strategic Management Journal, aout 2015, vol. 36, n° 8, pp 1164-1173, (in coll. with M. BIDWELL, S. WON, E. MOLLICK)

Chapters in edited books

Bridging micro and macro: An interdisciplinary review of theories used in career studies

The Routledge Companion To Career Studies, Routledge, London, 25-41

Why do managers talk about identity?

Organizational Identity In Practice, L. Lerpold, D. Ravasi, J. Van Rekom, G. Soenen (eds.), Routledge, New York, 35-49


After All, I am a Doctor: The Construction of Agency of Fertility Doctors during the Reform of Assisted Medical Procreation in France

37th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany , 2020 (L. LELASSEUX)

After All, I am a Doctor: The Construction of Agency of Fertility Doctors during the Reform of Assisted Medical Procreation in France.

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada , 2020 , 2020 , 1 (L. LELASSEUX)

After All, I am a Doctor: The Role of Values in the Construction of Agency of Fertility Doctors during the Reform of Assisted Medical Procreation in France.

the 7th Paper Development Workshop on Institutional and Organisational Change , 2020 , March, Edinburgh, UK (L. LELASSEUX)

Specializing Generalists: Job Rotations, Managerial Learning, and Promotions

80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Understanding the Inclusive Organization, AoM 2020 , 2020 , 2020 , 1 (O. IVANOVA)

Working papers

Bridging micro and macro: An interdisciplinary review of theories used in career studies

Routledge , 2016


  • Ph.D. in Management, INSEAD - France
  • M.S. in Management, INSEAD - France
  • B.A in Economics, Stanford University - USA

Academic appointments

Academic Responsibilities at HEC

  • 2015- Advanced Management Track Coordinator, Programme MBA HEC Paris

Scientific Activities

Membership in Academic or Professional Organisation

  • Member, Academy of Management (OMT, CAR, OB and RM divisions)
  • Member, European Group on Organization Studies

Editorial activities

  • Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, Career Development International, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies
  • Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Academy of Management Annual Meetings (OB, OMT and Careers divisions)

  • Awards & honors

    • 2021 Finalist, HEC Paris Vernimmen BNP Paribas Teaching Award, Research Faculty Category
    • 2020 Finalist, Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award, Strategic Human Capital Interest Group, SMS
    • 2017 Winner, Pierre Vernimmen BNP Paribas Teaching Award, Research Faculty Category
    • 2012 Finalist, Best Conference Paper Award, SMS
    • 2008 Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, AOM (Careers Division)
    • 2005 Best Reviewer Award, AOM (Careers Division)