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Chaires de recherche Nexans


Research Chairs

Chair holder: Sebastian Becker, Associate professor, Accounting and Management Control

Nexans, a global group and a key player in the energy transition, HEC Paris and the HEC Foundation are jointly launching the "Orchestrating sustainable business transformation" Chair, which aims to support companies on their path to sustainability.

Logo - Nexans

As a leader in the design and manufacture of cable systems and services, Nexans has been transforming itself since 2018 to become the pure-player in safer, renewable, low-carbon electrification that is accessible to all. Sustainability is thus a natural part of the group's core values and is now at the heart of its strategy, at all levels of the company. From its objectives of contributing to carbon neutrality by 2030 to its corporate foundation, which is designed to support actions in favour of access to energy for underprivileged populations throughout the world. A first in the industry.

At the same time, HEC Paris, with the support of the HEC Foundation, aims to train its students to understand the major social, political and economic issues of today and tomorrow. The school works to support decision-makers in the private and public sectors, and in civil society, with the aim of providing innovative economic responses to today's major challenges, notably through its "Society & Organizations" (S&O) Institute.

It is with this common ambition to accompany the evolution towards a more sustainable world that these three actors have entered into a 5-year partnership.

The "Orchestrating sustainable business transformation" Chair will be directed by Sebastian Becker, Associate Professor of Accounting and Management Control at HEC Paris.

  • It will notably lead to the writing of a case study on Nexans' transformation journey. The company will share its experiences, expertise and ideas around E³ - Economy / Environment / Commitment, a performance management method, which will be enriched by the research developed by Professor Becker around the tools for steering sustainable transformation, the knowledge and the academic and professional networks of the S&O Institute of HEC Paris.


  • Nexans will also participate in the various activities organised by the HEC Paris S&O Institute: conferences, round tables, exchanges with students and employees, etc.


  • Nexans will also be invited to take part in one of the Certificates offered by HEC Paris focusing on sustainability and climate transition issues, either the "Inclusive & Social Business" certificat or the "Climate & Business Transition" certificat. Nexans will also be invited ro participate in new teaching modules aimed at raising awareness among HEC Paris students.


Learn more about Sebastian Becker

Nexans website