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Nexans, HEC Paris and the HEC Foundation join forces to help companies achieve greater sustainability

Nexans, a global group and key player in the energy transition, HEC Paris through its Society & Organizations Institute and the HEC Foundation have jointly launched the "Orchestrating sustainable business transformation" Chair, with the aim of supporting companies on the road to sustainability.

Nexans signature - lead pic

Signature of the Nexans Chair with, from the left to the right: Christopher Guérin, Delphine Colson, Eloïc Peyrache and Sebastian Becker.

As a leader in the design and manufacture of cable systems and services, Nexans has been transforming itself since 2018 to become the pure-player in safer, renewable, low-carbon electrification that is accessible to all. Sustainability is thus a natural part of the group's core values and is now at the heart of its strategy, at all levels of the company. From its objectives of contributing to carbon neutrality by 2030 to its corporate foundation, which is designed to support actions in favour of access to energy for underprivileged populations throughout the world. A first in the industry.

At the same time, HEC Paris, with the support of the HEC Foundation, aims to train its students to understand the major social, political and economic issues of today and tomorrow. The school works to support decision-makers in the private and public sectors, and in civil society, with the aim of providing innovative economic responses to today's major challenges, notably through its "Society & Organizations" (S&O) Institute.

Under the S&O Climate & Earth Center, the chair is directed by Sebastian Becker, Associate Professor of Accounting and Management Control at HEC Paris.


More about the objectives of the Chair


"I am delighted about this partnership and the interest shown by HEC School and its Foundation in our transformation and commitments. The company of tomorrow must shift towards a new model of performance that combines Economy / Environment / Engagement in a systemic way, based on a long-term strategy, and within a holistic space where they come together to address broader issues. Our association with HEC and the creation of a chair will allow us to take it a step further in building new mechanisms, behaviors, beliefs, and training for today's managers and the elite students of tomorrow."

Christopher Guérin
CEO of Nexans


“We are delighted about this partnership with Nexans for the Chair 'Orchestrating Sustainable Business Transformation.' Through this collaboration and our shared values, we will be able to combine our strengths and expertise to inspire significant changes. Together, we are committed to providing innovative solutions that can support the leaders of tomorrow towards a more sustainable future."

Eloïc Peyrache
Dean of HEC Paris