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Thomas Deubel

Summer Student Story

Thomas Deubel

Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy


This program provides a remarkable intellectual overview of the major challenges currently shaping the world and very practical keys to lead any business toward success.


The Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy Summer School program aims at reconciling two disciplines that are progressively becoming interdependent. The program initially introduces the global geopolitical and economic landscapes in perspective with the current globalization process. Then, the new ways of doing business in a growingly unstable international context are taught by captivating professors and speakers. The course’s first asset is to raise awareness about how business cannot remain separate from geopolitics anymore. The class precisely focuses on several key sectors such as impact investment, energy market and business strategy that are much affected by geopolitical trends.

The program is especially rewarding for anyone wishing to work in international entrepreneurship. It both widens the fields of analysis from business to risk management and gives concrete strategy advice to future entrepreneurs and managers. Conversely, the program also broadens professional horizons for those fond of international security, allowing them to discover entrepreneurship or economic intelligence in a practical way, like I did.

Moreover, the interactive dimension of the courses and the opportunity to engage in group work on a concrete case study constitutes real assets allowing you to meet and exchange with students from diverse origins and to create an international professional network.

I would highly recommend the Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy Summer program even to students who do not wish to work in international affairs but who are interested in these topics. Actually, this program provides a remarkable intellectual overview of the major challenges currently shaping the world and very practical keys to lead any business toward success.

The diversity as well as the involvement of the professors and speakers led all the students to be fascinated by some topics they had never heard of before. Moreover, the professionalism and the efficiency of the Summer School directors, program coordinators and associates managing the program enabled me to attend an intellectually and humanly worthwhile experience in one of Europe’s most prestigious business schools.