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Raphaël Finkeltin

Summer Student Story

Raphaël Finkeltin

Investment Banking and International Finance


I enjoyed the emphasis placed on practical case studies and class participation


When I heard about HEC Paris Summer School I did not hesitate to apply. It was my encounter with a former HEC Paris Summer School student that encouraged me to apply; upon our conversation, I knew that the experience was exactly what I was seeking.

The program outline was very well detailed and the course objectives were ambitious from the beginning. We studied a great deal of interesting subjects ranging from Initial Public Offerings to Window Dressing.

Not only were our classes taught by HEC Paris professors, but we also enjoyed a large participation of important guest speakers such as top CEOs, entrepreneurs and a venture capitalist from the Silicon Valley. The lead HEC Paris professor was an experienced banker himself, as well as a rigorous and communicative teacher. He was always eager to help complement the guest speakers’ contributions, and this made a great difference for all of us.

I enjoyed the emphasis placed on practical case studies and class participation. We benefited from the opportunity to form groups with people from all around the world. Sharing our different perspectives is something that has positively influenced me, and I will apply what I learned toward future projects in my career.

My colleagues and I were extremely satisfied by the experience, and we left with excitement for the challenges we are now prepared to take on next. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Summer School Program to students seeking an exciting and stimulating learning experience in the field of finance.