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Pablo Nortes Planas

Summer Student Story

Pablo Nortes Planas

Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy


 Enrolling in the Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy program has provided me with a wider view and a deeper understanding of global world economics 

I have always tried to do my best when it comes to my education, so enrolling in a summer program in one of the top business universities worldwide has been a unique opportunity and a landmark on my CV.
After graduating in Business Management and Law in ICADE, a top tier university in Spain, I have been developing my professional career in the finance sector working as an investment analyst at Tressis, S.V., while preparing for the CFA program, in which I am a second level candidate.

Despite my professional focus on finance, enrolling in the Geopolitics, Globalization and Business Strategy program has provided me with a wider view and a deeper understanding of global world economics, allowing me to get to know how countries interact with each other depending on their resources, geographical situation, and history, factors that also have their influence on financial markets.

Once on campus, I was pleasantly surprised with the variety of nationalities of the students, which made the experience and the classes far more enriching. Not only are good teachers crucial to build a good program, but also “out of the box” minds to make the experience diverse and worth it, and that is precisely what I found at HEC. To this day we still keep in touch with the teachers and fellow students thanks to the bond formed on the course. Practicing sports, wandering around the campus and having time to enjoy ourselves was definitely the cherry on top of the cake.

My willingness to build an international and successful career is what drove me to apply for the program. If you dare and are motivated to follow your dreams, career wise, you should really consider living the HEC experience.