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HEC Tops FT Ranking for MiF – Again!

For the 11th time in 12 years, HEC Paris has been ranked world’s best Master in Finance (MiF) by the Financial Times. The school’s academic staff, have combined dynamic teaching with hands-on experience to guarantee their students leave HEC with an acute knowledge of market trends and profiles answering the needs of the sector’s recruiters.

HEC Paris Master in Finance 1st of FT Ranking - June 13, 2022

“I’m immensely proud and grateful for this recognition by the Financial Times, which has been honoring us with this ranking year after year since 2011!” The Executive Director of the Master in Finance in 2022, Olivier Bossard, beamed after the news of this latest classification putting HEC top of the 2022 classification once again. However, in the six years he has been at the helm of this program, Bossard says he is most proud of the development of HEC’s alumni network to help each cohort of HEC graduates find feet in the financial world: “It has now reached the point where I receive new job offers every week from former students who contact me directly and exclusively to ask me to help recruit new generations of students. This is a testament to the excellence of our degree.”

HEC’s Master boasts a “tailor designed” program with a wide range of courses covering the full spectrum of fields in Finance, both Corporate Finance and Capital Markets, and new frontiers such as Blockchain technology and data science. There are two different tracks to answer the ambitions of highly motivated graduates aiming at succeeding in a career in finance. “The Master truly helped me achieve my potential,” said Clément Grillet, who completed the course this year. “That’s thanks to three factors: the quality of teaching, the career services and the strong friendships created amongst the cohort members this year!”


HEC Paris Professor Olivier Bossard with MiF students during HEC 2022 Commencement Ceremony
HEC Paris Professor Olivier Bossard with MiF students during HEC 2022 Commencement Ceremony
(©Ciprian Olteanu -


The Master features students from 30 different nationalities, all sharing a common interest in finance. Its 40 different elective courses range from Private Equity, LBOs Structuring and Startup Financing, to Exotics Trading, blockchain or data science in finance. Most of these electives are taught by world class practitioners including hedge fund CEOs and Managing Directors at global investment banks. Says Olivier Bossard: “Our program is highly demanding, our selection process is highly selective, but for a good reason: we want to offer students the very best, because we are convinced they deserve it.”

The FT ranking shows the alumni enjoying placement in prestigious positions, and top performances in international mobility, career progression and overall satisfaction. And HEC is not alone in the Hexagone: “Global banking and investment recruiters (are) drawn to France’s competitive elite education system and its notable strength in quantitative skills,” notes the FT in analyzing the enduring excellence of the country’s business schools.


View the Financial Times ranking

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Learn more about HEC Paris Master in International Finance