HEC Paris Japan Office: a look back on a year of activities
In 2022, the HEC Japan Office took part and organised a series of exciting events in Tokyo. From a dinner with the Japan Chapter, to a networking meeting for the September 2022 MBA intake, as well as participating in the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan’s 5th Business Summit, to a Masterclass delivered by Professor Mathis Schulte, it is high time we dove back into this year.

On May 18 2022, the Japan Office organized an HEC Japan Chapter dinner at Meiji Kinenkan located in the heart of Tokyo, at an elegant room facing a Japanese garden. This successful event gathered 44 participants from promotions MBA 79 up to H. 25, and students on an exchange at Keio University. An MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MSIE) alumnus presented this program to those unfamiliar with the 100%-online program. The Chapter Vice-president closed the event with “Ippon-jime”, Japanese style hand-clapping greetings, before taking a group picture.
The Japan Office organized a networking dinner for Japanese MBA September 2022 intake. This was an excellent opportunity for them to meet and exchange information ahead of the start of their program. Together with a few recently graduated alumni, 35 people gathered at a restaurant in Tokyo on June 22. Some alumni shared with the group their personal experience of the Commencement ceremony, which was noticeably an emotional moment.
On November 29, the 5th Business Summit, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan’s most important event, took place at Nikkei Hall. As a partner, HEC Paris had a stand there. Our alumni and exchange students in Japan were all invited to attend.
« Time for new change strategies » was the subject of the Masterclass delivered by HEC Paris Associate Professor Mathis Schulte to the Japan HEC community on December 19, at Meiji Kinenkan (Tokyo). After Japan Chapter president Bernard Delmas (MBA.79) gave a welcome speech, a lecture from Prof. Schulte captivated the audience and generated a passionate debate. Philippe Oster, HEC Paris International Affairs Director, Ann Gilmore and Ludovic Cintrat, managing HEC Paris Executive Education, were part of this delegation visiting Japan.
50 alumni from promotions H. 69 to MBA 22, covering all programs (Master in Management Grande Ecole, MSc, MBA, EMBA, MSIE, exchange program participants with Keio university and Hitotsubashi university), current exchange and double degree students, as well as guests from Japanese companies attended this insightful masterclass.
Read more about the HEC Paris Japan Office