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Gonçalo Pacheco de Almeida Cited Amongst Best MBA Professors

HEC Paris’ Gonçalo Pacheco de Almeida has been nominated as one the “Favorite Professors of Best & Brightest MBAs”, a tribute created by the Poets & Quants media. As is the tradition, P&Q relied on the testimonies of the professors’ students, in this case HEC’s Priya-Darshinee Ramkissoon“Before (Professor de Almeida’s) class, I had always viewed a negotiation as being intrinsically about conflict (i.e. getting one over the other party),” Ramkissoon explained. “However, after this class, I learned, more often than not, that an effective compromise can be found for all if the right questions are asked. Also, Professor de Almeida always encouraged us to ‘be hard on the problem but not on the person’ – a takeaway that will stick with me forever.

HEC Paris Prof. Goncalo Pacheco de Almeida - © Nicolas Reitzaum

The Strategy Associate Professor has been teaching at the business school since 2011 and is currently the Academic Director of the MBA Strategy Specialization department. De Almeida’s fields of interest include strategy dynamics, competition, innovation, negotiation and sustainability.

The P&Q nomination would not be de Almeida’s first. He was also honored with the 2013 BNP Paribas Pierre Vernimmen Best Professor at HEC Paris Teaching Award, the IBM Faculty Award a year later and the 2012 Syntec French Consulting Association best Article Award in Strategy and Finance – to name but a few.

P&Q is a major online media focused on the graduate business education market. Its articles range from in-depth coverage of MBA outcomes to changes in MBA programs as well as the impact that technology has on higher education. Since starting in the mid-2010, it has established a reputation for unrivalled coverage of MBA programs and management education.