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FT ranking: HEC's MBA among the best in the world

The 2022 Global MBA ranking, organized and published today by the Financial Times sees HEC Paris retain its global stature as a pre-eminent MBA institution. The HEC Paris MBA is positioned 11th worldwide - joint with MIT Sloan – and fourth in Europe partly thanks to improvements in its international diversity and academic experience - and the school’s ability to further integrate sustainability in the MBA curriculum.

HEC Paris MBA Students - Feb. 2022 FT Ranking

(© HEC Paris /

“We can be very proud of being 11th in world rankings and fourth in Europe,” said Andrea Masini, Associate Dean of HEC’s MBA programs after the FT published its 2022 Global MBA ranking. “This classification underlines the fact that we continually rank among the world’s top universities.”  In this case, the February 14 Financial Times classification puts the spotlight on the world’s best 100 full-time MBA programs.

For Masini, the school’s performance is down to teamwork. He was quick to congratulate all the players in the MBA program: “This is a collective effort across our faculty, staff, students and alumni who help our program shine.”

A closer look at HEC’s performance in the ranking’s 22 criteria reveals an eighth spot for career progress, whilst the school is in the top 20% for value for money. In the breakdown, international  mobility and course experience are ranked seventh and ninth in the world, respectively. Meanwhile, the further progress in the ESG criterion reflects HEC’s investment in putting sustainability at the heart of much of its MBA teaching.

The N°11 slot reflects the excellent work the school’s MBA team has been achieving in the complicated health crisis the world is experiencing. It has maintained last year’s strong progress in terms of gender diversity, both amongst staff and students, exceptional career progression by HEC’s alumni and the outstanding work achieved by its recruiters worldwide. A collective effort has also been crucial in closing the gap on the world’s best MBA institutions.

The FT’s weight for ranking criteria reveals that the most important categories are weighted salary and salary increase (20% each), followed by the FT research rank (10%). Last year a total of 143 schools took part in a ranking in which the British daily surveyed alumni three years after MBA graduation. The seventh place obtained by HEC in 2021 is relativized by the fact that several of the top business schools from the United States decided to abstain last year due to the global pandemic. Nevertheless, a calculation of the three-year average places HEC in the world’s Top Ten, at N°9.


View the Financial Times MBA 2022 ranking

View all the international rankings of HEC Paris